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I'm glad I shunned him in a propaganda photo shoot when I was little.


:LOL: do tell plz


Good old average Oren is here with his fair-to-middling life.




I'm so glad someone had a good day today, I had the worst day ever. The anaesthetist working with me picked on me all day because he was in such a bad mood, bullied me so bad that I actually had to walk out of theatre and barricade myself in a room and bawled my eyes out for a good hour.

One of my supervisors was really good and said he would follow it up as he was so out of line.

I've never felt so low or so embarrassed! But then when I text my workmate who is also my climbing buddy, he text and said "me and the wife are on the way to pick you up now, you are going home"

And they picked me up, took me for a big walk in the park with the dogs, took me out for dinner and then out climbing.


I felt pretty special, no one has ever done anything like that for me before.


I'm worried about tomorrow though, my scary boss is going to want to talk to me about it and I really don't want to have to go through it again


Ah that sounds so shit! It's always worse having to go back and explain it to someone after it's upset you so much because you always feel like just bawling in the middle of it but it seems so embarrassing to do it in front of people.


Had an alright day today. Did rego stuff and had uni, and me and a friend were at Grafton and got food and sat in the Domain :happy:

Then I went to my dad's again with my sister and we had dinner and later looked through pictures of his trip. He got us souvenirs and candy too! All was well and good until later when he was talking about these friends he went and saw and they gave him an envelope to give to my sister. [spoiler=another tale of woe] And inside was euro notes equivalent to $700 or so dollars. Now I'll be honest and say that two of my deadly sins are sloth, and envy. I hate feeling jealous especially of my awesome nice sister, but I couldn't help but feel pretty jealous, especially with having to pay my fine still. The lady who gave her the money is her Godmother, and she and her friend stayed there when they visited. She's really nice, but basically said to my dad that I wasn't her godchild so she didn't have anything for me. So I know she likes her better :(

And then of course my mum got on my back when I got back. I cut into something she was saying about the rain, and she got all annoyed and childish, even when I apologised. I got her to finish telling me what she wanted to afterwards though.

But then I just went to my room and cried, and here I am :(


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Sorry to hear that. I don't think you should feel bad for having feelings of jealousy in that situation. It's not fair, and I'm sure I would feel exactly the same way.


Eating in the domain sounds nice though, it was a beautiful afternoon today.

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:LOL: do tell plz
:LOL: It wasn't as conscious as it sounds. He came through to my low socio economic primary, and because I was such a pretty little kid I was chosen to be in photos with him to promote... him. (I was chosen for those kinda things a lot. Til I went all bad in 6th form :chuckle:)

So I hung around in the school hall while they were all boring and I decided the cameraman was more interesting than being in a silly photo so I went and learnt how to use one of those big chunky old school videro cameras instead of promoting him. Epic fail politician vs nice cameraman who shows 6 year old how to use his flash as (in the mid 90s) camera.

No contest, really.


Then I went to my dad's again with my sister and we had dinner and later looked through pictures of his trip. He got us souvenirs and candy too! All was well and good until later when he was talking about these friends he went and saw and they gave him an envelope to give to my sister...
Sucky :( do you have a godmother who gives you stuff and not your sister? That'd balance things out, somewhat...
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Sorry to hear that. I don't think you should feel bad for having feelings of jealousy in that situation. It's not fair, and I'm sure I would feel exactly the same way.


Thanks Rich, you always make me feel like less of a dweeb :LOL:


:LOL: It wasn't as conscious as it sounds. He came through to my low socio economic primary, and because I was such a pretty little kid I was chosen to be in photos with him to promote... him. (I was chosen for those kinda things a lot. Til I went all bad in 6th form :chuckle:)

So I hung around in the school hall while they were all boring and I decided the cameraman was more interesting than being in a silly photo so I went and learnt how to use one of those big chunky old school videro cameras instead of promoting him. Epic fail politician vs nice cameraman who shows 6 year old how to use his flash as (in the mid 90s) camera.

No contest, really.


Sucky :( do you have a godmother who gives you stuff and not your sister? That'd balance things out, somewhat...


:LOL: did they go looking for you? Or did they just replace you with another kid?


No I don't :( I don't have godparents. Not christened innit. Plus I think she gets some money a month from my not-related-to-us-but-we-call-her-family-anyway aunt. I is jeluss.

I'm homesick for Germany :( I want to go over there and meet all my family so I can join in all the stories about meeting them and stuff.

Plus my OCD tendencies are showing themselves again with a vengeance. Starting to think I should get that checked by someone.

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:LOL: did they go looking for you? Or did they just replace you with another kid?


No I don't :( I don't have godparents. Not christened innit. Plus I think she gets some money a month from my not-related-to-us-but-we-call-her-family-anyway aunt. I is jeluss.

I'm homesick for Germany :( I want to go over there and meet all my family so I can join in all the stories about meeting them and stuff.

Plus my OCD tendencies are showing themselves again with a vengeance. Starting to think I should get that checked by someone.

Awh that suckssss. Going to see your family would be awesome!


I'm meaning to actually go and visit my rellies in the UK when I go again - last time it was an itinerary choice between France and Italy and little herefordshire, and I must admit I chose the former two... we intrigue each other from afar though haha. The kids go to Eton and are under the impression that I'm a native princess type of person :facepalm::LOL:


And yeah, they came to get me but I refused to go with them lol. So then they replaced me with my best friend. I didn't grudge her though - I'd learnt how to use a cameraaaaa. Which beats Bill English any day :yesey:

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The kids go to Eton and are under the impression that I'm a native princess type of person :facepalm::LOL:


And yeah, they came to get me but I refused to go with them lol. So then they replaced me with my best friend. I didn't grudge her though - I'd learnt how to use a cameraaaaa. Which beats Bill English any day :yesey:


You should either totally play up to that role when you meet them, or totally downplay it :LOL: either way might be entertaining.

Yay learning! :awesome:


Arghhh I just realised. I've idly written a 2000 word short story for my own enjoyment today.

Rather than working on my big srs essay :facepalm:


Oooh cool, what's the story about? I love hearing about other people's fiction since I do some myself. You think 2000 words is bad procrastination? Try 200 pages. I've managed to extend that one's procrastination time out for a year and a bit :LOL:

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200 pages is impressive. Are you happy with how it's coming along?


I really like some parts, and some parts need a lot of reworking, and others need to be taken out. The stuff I've written more recently I like better, although there are some scenes that I still really like since I wrote them. I got an email back from my tutor, finally :LOL: he gave me some good tips and I can look on it now and see where I can change bits and where it's necessary to do rewriting.

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Ah. A fun week ahead.
Heaps of fun :yesey:


You should either totally play up to that role when you meet them, or totally downplay it :LOL: either way might be entertaining.

Yay learning! :awesome:


Oooh cool, what's the story about? I love hearing about other people's fiction since I do some myself. You think 2000 words is bad procrastination? Try 200 pages. I've managed to extend that one's procrastination time out for a year and a bit :LOL:

:LOL: I kind of want to, but otoh, I resist doing that so much day to day that it'd feel weird lmao. I come from one of the more impt families in "teh Maori World" but... if I'm a princess, then so are like a good hundred other people princes/princesses right along with me haha.


Lol. Nice :D

I just word counted it and I'm up at 2500and something words atm - but it's not any good lmao. I started it because I had the poem In the Desert by Stephen Crane stuck in my head this morning (and most of today), and then... idk. I have like a handful of recurring characters who I tend to write about in various shards from time to time lol. And they turned up again today. So I wrote down another bit of their lives, I guess.

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I got an email back from my tutor, finally :LOL: he gave me some good tips and I can look on it now and see where I can change bits and where it's necessary to do rewriting.

That took a while! Did he have some positive, encouraging things to say as well?

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I got an email back from my tutor, finally :LOL: he gave me some good tips and I can look on it now and see where I can change bits and where it's necessary to do rewriting.
Took a while! Hope it was all good feedback, like, overall :happy:


Bed time for me. Night, guys! :)


I hope everyone has a better day tomorrow.

Night both of you!
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Heaps of fun :yesey:


:LOL: I kind of want to, but otoh, I resist doing that so much day to day that it'd feel weird lmao. I come from one of the more impt families in "teh Maori World" but... if I'm a princess, then so are like a good hundred other people princes/princesses right along with me haha.


Lol. Nice :D

I just word counted it and I'm up at 2500and something words atm - but it's not any good lmao. I started it because I had the poem In the Desert by Stephen Crane stuck in my head this morning (and most of today), and then... idk. I have like a handful of recurring characters who I tend to write about in various shards from time to time lol. And they turned up again today. So I wrote down another bit of their lives, I guess.


Maybe you could say that to them as well then. "We're all princes and princesses here :phu:" They might think you royalty or something :chuckle:


That took a while! Did he have some positive, encouraging things to say as well?


Not really :LOL: But he had been quite busy so it was nice just to get some tips anyway. I had a suspicion of what I needed to improve on but it was good to here someone with some sort of authority confirm it :LOL: Oh and he replied a while ago, not just now :LOL: I just forgot to mention it.

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based on this lineup i won't be going:


BIG DAY OUT 2010: Muse, Powderfinger, Lilly Allen, Eskimo Joe, Groove Armada, Grinspoon, The Mars Volta, Ladyhawke, Dizzee Rascal, Karnivool, Peaches, The Temper Trap, Kasabian, Midnight Juggernauts, Rise Against, Magic Dirt, Mastodon, Lisa Mitchell, The Horrors, Bluejuice, Calvin Harris, Kisschasy, The Decemberists, Tame Impala and Girl Talk


musre are not worth $132 + booking fee + flights + annoying richard for a weekend.

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