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Apparently Windows 7 has a combination of keys that make the screen rotate by 90 degrees. I discovered this by accident at work today. It was highly alarming! And the mouse thought up was right and down was left... Oh, it was chaos.


Workmates thought it was hilarious. So did the tech guys when I called them.

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Must admit I don't know much about Connan Mockasin.


Yeah, I'd never heard of him beforehand. Doesn't seem like my kind of act anyway :p


A German tourist approached me last weekend to ask where the nearest park was because he 'heard the kiwi thing to do is to get drunk in a park'.


Oh dear :/


That only applies for Rhythm and Vines :phu:

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Moas, I really need your help.


Anyone here willing to maybe adopt an older cat? I need to find a home for one or its probably the SPCA- and people don't really adopt older cats from there. I would pay for all medical costs and a weekly payment for food, I just need a home for it. Please ask friends and family if they know anyone who could take it :(

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Moas, I really need your help.


Anyone here willing to maybe adopt an older cat? I need to find a home for one or its probably the SPCA- and people don't really adopt older cats from there. I would pay for all medical costs and a weekly payment for food, I just need a home for it. Please ask friends and family if they know anyone who could take it :(


Oh no! That sucks, I can't take them myself but will def ask around. How old, sex, temperment etc?


how come you can't keep it?

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Oh no! That sucks, I can't take them myself but will def ask around. How old, sex, temperment etc?


how come you can't keep it?


There's two but only one might have to be adopted out.


There is a female, about 12, who is an independent type. She is happy to be patted on the head and back but doesn't really like to be picked up (although you can, she will just miaow loudly). She prefers to come to you if she wants to sit on your lap. She is quite vocal and will miaow when you touch her or interrupt her actions- not in annoyance but just because she's vocal. She is a dominant type so she might conflict with other cats at first.


The other is a male, about 15. He is fluffy and more reserved. He likes to be patted a lot, and loves affection. He doesn't really miaow unless he's left alone- for example if you put him out at night by himself he might miaow outside because he wants to come in. He should be fine to sleep a bedroom without miaowing because he likes to be near people.


Can't keep them because my dad's partner doesn't want them any more and apparently its putting a strain on their relationship because she already has 4 kids and a cat. They've only been there for 4 days :indiff:

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Oh, that's awesome! :) Hope it's a better summer than the one we just had, which seemed to be pretty shit all around the country.


I'm off on an epic holiday next week myself - San Francisco, Louisville, New York, London, Belgium, Paris, Berlin, Edinburgh, York and Washington DC. Pretty excited!

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Oh, that's awesome! :) Hope it's a better summer than the one we just had, which seemed to be pretty shit all around the country.


I'm off on an epic holiday next week myself - San Francisco, Louisville, New York, London, Belgium, Paris, Berlin, Edinburgh, York and Washington DC. Pretty excited!


Woah that's an awesome holiday! How long are you going for?


I've got a week off, I'm so excited, ahah!

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I'm off for six weeks. :) I've been saving up leave for ages and can never be arsed just taking long weekends or anything, so might as well use it all in one massive piece of epic awesomeness! Haven't really had a holiday in ages, so I'm looking forward to it.


Yay week off for you! :) Any plans, or just some well-deserved time with your feet up?

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That sounds fantastic! You will have to take loads of piccies and keep us posted on your adventures!


Yeah I feel I deserve a good week off this time! I took time off in November to move house, then my last holiday in Feb we had the fire, so I haven't really had a break since mid last year!

So just going to potter about the garden, take my puppy on lots of walks and enjoy frivolous activities like getting my hair cut! Haha!

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Sounds awesome. :)


I will keep you posted throughout my trip! Although you may regret requesting that - I've already come up with a dumb pun, turning San Francisco into that guy who did the Thong Song...

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