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It sounds like he paid to do the "sky walk" thing, but brought a knife with him and has been threatening to cut off his harness.


They say he has "mental health issues", possibly something to do with immigration. Hope they can get him down.

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Good to hear everyone is doing okay. Jo made a really good point about the potential human cost had the quake occurred during daytime, although I imagine it was probably darn scary in the dark :stunned:


Apparently there's a guy threatening to jump off the Sky Tower. :erm:


They've closed off an area just outside my work. Drama.


Woah, what?

Haven't heard about this.


Srsly. Last year a guy committed suicide off the top of the apartment building in downtown Wgtn opposite our flat. It was awful.


My sister's flatmate once was walking along in town somewhere and then literally right in front of him, someone hit the pavement. They had jumped from a building roof. That story always really amazes me. Apparently he was just kind of like 'er...' and went over to see if she was still alive or anything (I'm pretty sure she wasn't), but then other people came rushing over so he just left and went on his way.

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We last had a big earthquake in 1855.


It's the reason Wellington's actually a city because before that there wasn't enough flat land around the hills/cliffs/islands - the Te Aro flat, Lyall Bay and Kilbernie were all swamps/underwater.


Honestly the story of Napier too :LOL: Go New Zealand!


Sad news around the country. Good to know most people are fine though.

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What an intense weekend. That Sky Tower story is pretty hard core. It says they had an ambulance on site- I understand that being there for the negotiators or people watching in the area, but for the guy, I think its probably a bit redundant.


It says they use metal detectors and pocket-less jumpsuits on the Sky Walk. How was he going to get out of the harness? :erm:

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There's a Muse gig on MTV at the moment. Missed the first 10 minutes, so I'm not sure yet where it is, but pretty sure Matt just said danke, so I'm guessing Germany.


It goes until 1am. Stockholm Syndrome at the moment.


I'm way bored, so that would be a good thing to watch, but I just don't think I can be bothered sitting downstairs in the cold.

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