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But not at the stadium - everything is crazily expensive there. Cheap booze is the way to go.


i wouldnt want a repeat of my nite out in town tee hee hee.... we got kicked out by the apartment security and had to walk about halfway across cbd to this persons other apartment it was a fun night but hap hazard kind of.


I heard with bdo you cant take your own bottle in there.

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I'm so glad you agree!!


How did your ice cream turn out in the end?




It was good making it using a newer beater than our ancient thing :LOL: So the ice cream looked fine, the taste test will be tomorrow :stongue:


I think I will head off to bed now. I need my rest to fit in all the food tomorrow :LOL:


Good night moa's and have a brilliant day tomorrow! :)

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*sulks/ignores bdo talk*


the present i gave myself is this laptop does that count and also connecting with the net does that also count even though i am payin for both do they count
Do you want it to count?


Luckily we also had a small bowl without any in it, but after that I don't think any sherry has been put in the trifles :LOL: My aunty is making it this year, so we'll see what that one is like.


I had so many fails for my when trying to make my second batch of ice cream today. 1. Egg whites didn't beat up. 2. Got yolk in the whites when seperating them. 3. Electric beater blew up and started smoking by itself :facepalm: Fortunately my uncle had one so I could make it at his place before putting my gran's tree up.

Oh you're making ice cream? Awesome!

My aunty made this beautiful chocolate and cherry ice cream last year.

Hate it when you get yolk in whites and have to do it all again though. Hope it works out!


Awesome, I have to make a mini one for my Dad without custard!
If we have a pav we have to leave one bit of it plain because my brother hates whipped cream :chuckle:


I just watched the Nativity Story, I kind of expected more, I got a bit bored and it dragged a lot.
That movie is sooo bad... I can't believe I actually saw it at the cinema :facepalm:
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It was good making it using a newer beater than our ancient thing :LOL: So the ice cream looked fine, the taste test will be tomorrow :stongue:


I think I will head off to bed now. I need my rest to fit in all the food tomorrow :LOL:


Good night moa's and have a brilliant day tomorrow! :)


Hahha, that smiley is SO inappropriate!


I'm off to bed too, have a good night tonight everyone and have a fantastic day tomorrow, hope it is a wonderful day for all of you!


Nite and Merry Christmas! xoxox

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I hope you have a great day too. :)


I only just noticed the look on the kissee's face in that smiley. Not entirely sure if that's one of enjoyment.


And I echo your sentiments to everyone else as well. You guys are awesome, and I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas.


With that I think I'll be off. Night!

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