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Not as bad as Randi Knights, though - there was a receptionist called that at my high school. Oh how we laughed.


Nooooo :LOL:


Ooh that is weird! I usually don't look, because I'm usually too broke, but yes, there were these very heavy Star Wars rings at one of the stalls where it looks like they sell more kind of artisan jewellery and trinkets and stuff, near the second hand book stall? They were epically solid, possibly because they were designed for men, but as I have man hands, this was great news for me. I didn't get one though, because it turned out to be way cheaper to get a copy of something by Colette from the book stall.


At the Henderson mall (I think. If that mall is in Henderson, rather than in X Lynn (and why are there so many different Lynns and Glens in Auckland? It's so confusing!)), when my mate and I went to the movies, the usher asked me for ID to an R13, then totally freaked out, when, not thinking, I gave her my uni one.


Because the usher herself was still at high school :LOL:


Ah I see!


I never really noticed how many Glens and Lynns there are before!

And yes, it is Henderson mall. Its actually called Westcity for some reason. The more you knooooow!

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It's ruined my day, to be quite honest.


Why were we not consulted, or at least informed? THIS IS A DICTATORSHIP!


I miss our clever(ish) punny thread names. :(

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They did! Now what is there to strive for?


I wonder what they'll do when we need a new thread. Will they just delete this one and replace it with an identically named new one? No room for individuality here.

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Of course I was exaggerating and am not really that furious.


But I don't see why the guys in Banter get to be imaginative and original with their thread titles and we don't. I understand a requirement to have the country somewhere in the title, but as long as we have that I think we should have the freedom to choose our titles.

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We're not all mean, new mod team means changes, don't think you guys are going to be the only bunch being affected... I'll mention this to the other mods anyway.

Does this mean we can expect the same in the love boat? :LOL:

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What most annoys me about the mass thread renaming is that it fails to take into account the cultural clueish type things which were present in the old titles. Or at least in ours. When I found my way here, I saw a native species in the title, and, would you believe, the thread was indeed a New Zealand one!


I never really noticed how many Glens and Lynns there are before!

And yes, it is Henderson mall. Its actually called Westcity for some reason. The more you knooooow!

There are a lot, seriously. I got sooo lost several times, because I'd get my Glen Edens and Glendenes all twisted up. It was summer then, though, so it was okay weather to be wandering down unfamiliar roads and streets then.


I am enlightened, though the cityness, like many mysterious Auckland things (like your buses that decide every now and again when I'm in a rush somewhere not to turn up for an hour) makes my rather logical soul protest.


So it turns out Trackside TV might be interested in me for that Hamilton presenting job after all.


Well, this complicates things.



Kind of?

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Kind of?

Thanks! I actually ended up turning it down. Whoa. :stunned:


Well, I'd decided I was going to, and then I returned their call today and heard I was only second in line for the job anyway. They invited me to take some behind the scenes role, but I decided not to do that. They're going to keep me on file and consider me for future positions. But I'll just stick with the "I turned it down" story. Because I was going to. :yesey:


I am heartbroken that my dear love Sventington has abandoned the board! :supersad:

I'm sorry for your loss. :(


Jo and Oren appear to have done the same.

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I was wondering that too.


I can understand people being unimpressed by the whole naming-the-baby-fucking-Bingham debacle. But surely leaving the board is a bit over the top. I only boycotted Muse for one day because of it.

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I bought a filthy birthday card (featuring the phrase "dirty ho") today, not expecting that the person at the counter would be a sweet elderly gentleman.


The word awkward is often overused, but it's pretty appropriate to describe the silence that ensued.

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Sad about Amy Winehouse. But at the same time it wasn't really a big shock. It was always on the cards the way she was going, unfortunately. :(


It's pretty sad to look at photos before and after she got into drugs and everything. The transformation was shocking.

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