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Happy birthday!


It's like some sort of psychological war going on in my head.


Happy Birthday Michelle!



('cause its got birds on it?)


Thanks guys! That is an awesome cake! :D I had a quite delicious banana cake yesterday :happy:


Just saw this on Facebook:



Um...what the fuck? Why?! Just...why?!


What news could Facebook's page give you about Facebook that, if it's worth knowing, you wouldn't have already noticed yourself in logging on to Facebook?



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Ooh. Might have to investigate.


I've also been listening to Ash a lot lately. Crushed that they're doing a little tour of Australia at the moment and didn't add any NZ show. :( Loved them since about 2003, and I think they last played here in 2002. Typical.

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Ooh. Might have to investigate.


I've also been listening to Ash a lot lately. Crushed that they're doing a little tour of Australia at the moment and didn't add any NZ show. :( Loved them since about 2003, and I think they last played here in 2002. Typical.


Its called Broken Bride. Quite a mix of songs, its probably not everyone's cup of tea, but by the last song I was practically tearing up.


Get on their forum and yell at them :LOL:

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I'll definitely look into that!


Forum hassling is worth a try, I suppose. I saw someone in the Marina and the Diamonds thread on this board said she sent a message to Marina and she replied. :stunned: Might be worth me suggesting a NZ tour is in order for her as well.


How are you, anyway?

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I'll definitely look into that!


Forum hassling is worth a try, I suppose. I saw someone in the Marina and the Diamonds thread on this board said she sent a message to Marina and she replied. :stunned: Might be worth me suggesting a NZ tour is in order for her as well.


How are you, anyway?


Yeah if they hear there's a market here for them, then they might be more inclined to visit.


I'm okay, what about you?

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Yeah, not bad, thanks. Found out I got a B for my dissertation. Pretty happy with that, considering I had to get it done in one semester instead of the usual two.


Trying to organise a pub quiz outing for my department at work next week. It's hard to find a day that works for everyone!

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I've also been listening to Ash a lot lately. Crushed that they're doing a little tour of Australia at the moment and didn't add any NZ show. :( Loved them since about 2003, and I think they last played here in 2002. Typical.

I missed them by a DAY at Benicássim while I was on holiday in Spain. They've got some of the best setlists too, great balance of old and new. :(


Get on their forum and yell at them :LOL:


Forum hassling is worth a try, I suppose. I saw someone in the Marina and the Diamonds thread on this board said she sent a message to Marina and she replied. :stunned: Might be worth me suggesting a NZ tour is in order for her as well.


Ash is really responsive on their website to fans, it's definitely worth a go.

Edited by Davinq
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Happy Birthday Michelle and well done on the dissertation mark Richard.


Finally we have internet at home so I might be around a bit more!


Thanks! Yay for internet!


And congrats Richard! :D Totally forgot I had missed multi-quoting that in previous posts.


I just had my first day of an outdoor first aid course. It was quite good, the guy teaching it was pretty relaxed which made things easier. He showed us this clip from The Office (American version) of their fire evacuation plan in practice, it was pretty funny :LOL:

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:eek: what? why?


Oh, so soon? Oh well, yay you'll be back again :awesome:. It's great having your own laptop. Not great for when you're trying to study, but great at other times! :happy: have a good one.

Man, I have no idea. My family are just weird.


It is indeed :D Though I've only now got internet access again and am very perturbed that the first thing I'm doing on a Friday morning is going online in bed, but whatever.


This is good news. :happy:


Hopefully you'll grace us with your presence again soon!



So gorgeous :awesome:


I saw someone in the Marina and the Diamonds thread on this board said she sent a message to Marina and she replied. :stunned:


I bought chrysanthemum tea yesterday. Just to have. I'm not sure I actually want to drink it though...

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I also am on the internet in bed first thing on Friday morning, so it must be the cool thing to do. If I didn't have to go to work I'd probably stay here most of the day as well!
Yeah, the first thing I seem to have done upon arriving home is get into my jim jams and go back on the internet.





I can quit any time I want.

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