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Sadly. My best friend paid for me to go to Europe but I had to turn her down :'(


Back at uni though so yey :happy:


Urgh and I've just been kicked off the internet for the next four days so I'll have to love you and leave you but not for as long as before.


You see, I now actually have a laptop :party:

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Sadly. My best friend paid for me to go to Europe but I had to turn her down :'(


Urgh and I've just been kicked off the internet for the next four days so I'll have to love you and leave you but not for as long as before.


You see, I now actually have a laptop :party:


:eek: what? why?


Oh, so soon? Oh well, yay you'll be back again :awesome:. It's great having your own laptop. Not great for when you're trying to study, but great at other times! :happy: have a good one.

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Someone was kind enough to smash the wing mirror of my car and not leave a note or anything. The damage is pretty major, and there are shards scattered all over the road, so it's not like it was a slight clip that they didn't notice.


Just what you want to see when you get home from work.

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Haha. Keep us posted.


The Temper Trap were amazing tonight. :happy: Way too short, though - about 1 hr 10 mins, including a 5-minute encore break. Would have liked a bit more, even if they had to resort to a couple of covers or something.


The Naked and Famous were awesome too, but again crazily short - about 25 mins. They also weren't very interactive with the crowd - "we're The Naked and Famous" and "thanks" were all they said, and they didn't even say goodbye after their last song. They just stopped playing, waved and fucked off. :erm:


The crowd were cool until The Temper Trap started - there were mass singalongs with the songs that were playing while we waited. Weather With You was the highlight.


But then when the band came on, a group of six or seven really annoying drunk girls barged their way to the front and stopped just in front of me. For the duration of the set, they fell over on each other and bystanders (standing on all of our feet repeatedly), and they took photos of each other non-stop throughout the concert. Can still see the fucking flashes when I close my eyes. And they kept hugging each other, whacking me in the face in their uncoordinated flaily attempts to reach their arms around each other.


But at least I was able to share my disdain for these vile creatures with some of the others who were suffering the same ordeal.

Edited by _Ed_
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Haha. Keep us posted.


The Temper Trap were amazing tonight. :happy: Way too short, though - about 1 hr 10 mins, including a 5-minute encore break. Would have liked a bit more, even if they had to resort to a couple of covers or something.


The Naked and Famous were awesome too, but again crazily short - about 25 mins. They also weren't very interactive with the crowd - "we're The Naked and Famous" and "thanks" were all they said, and they didn't even say goodbye after their last song. They just stopped playing, waved and fucked off. :erm:


The crowd were cool until The Temper Trap started - there were mass singalongs with the songs that were playing while we waited. Weather With You was the highlight.


But then when the band came on, a group of six or seven really annoying drunk girls barged their way to the front and stopped just in front of me. For the duration of the set, they fell over on each other and bystanders (standing on all of our feet repeatedly), and they took photos of each other non-stop throughout the concert. Can still see the fucking flashes when I close my eyes. And they kept hugging each other, whacking me in the face in the process of reaching their arms around.


But at least I was able to share my disdain for these vile creatures with some of the others who were suffering the same ordeal.


I was just listening to the Temper Trap :stunned:


Massive crowd singalongs are awesome :LOL:


Those girls sound super annoying but I hope the band was good at least! You should have yelled at them to fuck off (the girls). I'm sure the crowd would have backed you up.

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fuck i hate how gigs are all about either a) taking shit blurry photos of the stage with your camera constantly in the air b) taking photos on your smart phone to post straight to fb or twitter c) taking photos of you and your friends


ban cameras at gigs i say

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:stunned:...... :LOL:


Someone was kind enough to smash the wing mirror of my car and not leave a note or anything. The damage is pretty major, and there are shards scattered all over the road, so it's not like it was a slight clip that they didn't notice.


Just what you want to see when you get home from work.


Oh no, that sucks. Will it be covered by insurance?


The Temper Trap were amazing tonight. :happy: Way too short, though - about 1 hr 10 mins, including a 5-minute encore break. Would have liked a bit more, even if they had to resort to a couple of covers or something.


The Naked and Famous were awesome too, but again crazily short - about 25 mins. They also weren't very interactive with the crowd - "we're The Naked and Famous" and "thanks" were all they said, and they didn't even say goodbye after their last song. They just stopped playing, waved and fucked off. :erm:


The crowd were cool until The Temper Trap started - there were mass singalongs with the songs that were playing while we waited. Weather With You was the highlight.


But then when the band came on, a group of six or seven really annoying drunk girls barged their way to the front and stopped just in front of me. For the duration of the set, they fell over on each other and bystanders (standing on all of our feet repeatedly), and they took photos of each other non-stop throughout the concert. Can still see the fucking flashes when I close my eyes. And they kept hugging each other, whacking me in the face in their uncoordinated flaily attempts to reach their arms around each other.


But at least I was able to share my disdain for these vile creatures with some of the others who were suffering the same ordeal.


Glad to hear they were amazing! But those girls do sound dreadful, I would have been fuming.

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Massive crowd singalongs are awesome :LOL:

:yesey: They should take place more often at gigs. Such a good way to pass the time while you're waiting for a band to come on.


fuck i hate how gigs are all about either a) taking shit blurry photos of the stage with your camera constantly in the air b) taking photos on your smart phone to post straight to fb or twitter c) taking photos of you and your friends


ban cameras at gigs i say

Well said!


Oh no, that sucks. Will it be covered by insurance?

Nah, I don't think it will. Oh well. Lucky I get paid this week!

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Just saw this on Facebook:



Um...what the fuck? Why?! Just...why?!


What news could Facebook's page give you about Facebook that, if it's worth knowing, you wouldn't have already noticed yourself in logging on to Facebook?

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