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Hullabaloo DVD


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It's Ja Fuehrer. With an umlaut.


Ja Füehrer?

Ja Fuëhrer?

Ja Fuehrër?

Jä Fuehrer?

Jä Füëhrër?


The 'ue' implies the umlaut, so the 'ue' plus an umlaut is wrong. Dafür, ich glaube fast dass du verstehst dich darauf wie ein Blinder auf die Farben.

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Guest Puppetmaster
Ja Füehrer?

Ja Fuëhrer?

Ja Fuehrër?

Jä Fuehrer?

Jä Füëhrër?


The 'ue' implies the umlaut, so the 'ue' plus an umlaut is wrong. Dafür, ich glaube fast dass du verstehst dich darauf wie ein Blinder auf die Farben.


Awwww, Bjorny. I appreciate the effort you went to to point out to me something I already knew. Compare the following three:


-Ja Fuhrer. (quoting our mutual friend Black Mamba here.)


-It's Ja Fuehrer. With an umlaut. (Me.)




-It's Ja Fuehrer. Plus an umlaut. (You.)


Now verpiss dich, you annoying little Arschmoped. (See Stefan I've mastered that one. Thanks man :LOL: )

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Awwww, Bjorny. I appreciate the effort you went to to point out to me something I already knew. Compare the following three:


-Ja Fuhrer. (quoting our mutual friend Black Mamba here.)


-It's Ja Fuehrer. With an umlaut. (Me.)




-It's Ja Fuehrer. Plus an umlaut. (You.)


Now verpiss dich, you annoying little Arschmoped. (See Stefan I've mastered that one. Thanks man :LOL: )


Annoying? That's what people say when they are proven wrong.


And on that note, I'm going home.

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Guest Puppetmaster
Annoying? That's what people say when they are proven wrong.


A very insightful observation, I applaud. Thing is, I wasn't exactly proven wrong.


And you _are_ an annoying little brat. Although we all know what it means when a person's being annoying in the cyber world. And I quote, "when man behave like zat, he very unhappy, inpotent! He don't sex! He have very big problem! Don't sex!"



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A very insightful observation, I applaud. Thing is, I wasn't exactly proven wrong.


And you _are_ an annoying little brat. Although we all know what it means when a person's being annoying in the cyber world. And I quote, "when man behave like zat, he very unhappy, inpotent! He don't sex! He have very big problem! Don't sex!"




No offence, but your behaviour is bordering on irritating. If you have nothing to add to the topic, don't post. If you really have nothing better to do than correct people, you need a hobby. I've heard knitting is marvellous.

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Guest Puppetmaster
No offence, but your behaviour is bordering on irritating. If you have nothing to add to the topic, don't post.


What? :LOL: Since when do you reprimand members for going off topic and for being irritating?

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Guest Puppetmaster
In Main Muse, and when I get complaints. :)


:) Cool. Who tops the list of "most-complained-about," then? Bjorny? Btw, I'd feel honored if I were on that list.

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Guest Puppetmaster
I've never had a single complaint about Bjorny, as it goes. And you're a long way off being on that list. That would involve you evolving into a whole new world of arsecandlery.


:LOL: I'm adopting that last word.


Damn, I wanna meet Bjorny. Has anyone seen a pic of him/talked to him?

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The Glasto one was filmed by the BBC so will be boring tv camera work, Hullabaloo was filmed or at least directed by one Tom Kirk. I prefer Hullabaloo, apart from the far superior tracklist it just seems a better era live-wise before they went all Absolutiony on us, plus the camera angles add to the excitement. It's more of a 'gig' feel than just a TV live feed plus the menus/extras are more arty and interesting. I love it, best thing they've ever released, Hullabaloo. :happy:


Yeah, every time I see Hullabaloo I regard it as absolute editing mastery. First of all there's about 14 cameras, the cameramen of which must have all had some form of communication with each other (so much organisation), the cinematography is really beautiful in parts, the composition of shots etc - very creative, in fact the cameramen seem to know exactly what's gonna happen on stage/in the song in order to do an appropriate type of shot; and very few shots are more than a second long, which means this will have taken SO long to edit... and with 14 cameras! At least. Absolutely unbelievable. And then all the decoration on top, effects and what not.


It's "to each their own."


I've decided to limit my posts on this board to correcting people's mistakes. Hopefully people will have the sense to not get offended.


1) That's pedantry which makes you look even worse

2) You're wrong, it's 'Each to their own', if you're talking about the actual phrase itself. Regardless, each version is syntactically correct, so this observation is rendered even more pointless

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Guest Puppetmaster
Seen a pic, and he's fit as fuck.

Unfortunately there's a Mrs Bjorny. :(


:eek: Dear me. That's disturbing. Why would a married man go and annoy people on messageboards?

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