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Hey guys !

Quite cool with this international thing..

To everyone in Sweden:


Hörni, hur är det med er?

Det måste finnas NÅGON mer i Sverige som avgudar Muse lika mycket som jag..



(Hey, how are you? There must be SOMEONE in Sweden who worship Muse as much as I do.. :D)

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KingArthur I'll do that.

ever been to Sweden? ;D


If your band'll become famous, and come to Sweden, I'll be there to watch you :D



And I'm not just saying that because I live here.

Anyone been to Sweden before?

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  • 2 weeks later...
KingArthur I'll do that.

ever been to Sweden? ;D


If your band'll become famous, and come to Sweden, I'll be there to watch you :D



And I'm not just saying that because I live here.

Anyone been to Sweden before?

*is going to Sweden in July*



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Fan heller shonne, men när vi gittar till Vårbronx ska vi baxa så jävla mycket mobiler och sen aina får se i månen efter oss och paran, fattar du guzzen, walla jag lovar?


Fan va kefft, jag ska axa och sova och snorta kola, jalla bai stekar-svenne.

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Ah, ca sera cool, ben tu sais, c'n'est pas korovkiosk, c'est korvkiosk, comprende dziewczynka? Merde je suis fatigué moi, après mes aventures ghettos. I'll do fuck all to keep this thread even remotely Swedish. Bloody Inuits.

Peut-être que vous êtes un peut.. betrunken?


Tu weisst, that svenska bardzo dobry is.

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Ah, sí, mae hi'n wir na ddylen ni wrthwynebu'r penderfyniad 'ma. Pam na ddoi di draw pnawn heno, ti'n edrych yn iach iawn dyddiau 'ma?

I am SO ashamed to say that I am completely stumped by that.


My welsh is SO rusty. :'( *stupid saesneg*

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Seriöst, vad snackar ni om?

Svenska är ju hett. Eller nej, men ändå.

Ghettosvenska skrämmer mig.


Vous etes tres bête mais vous etes amusant aussi.

Bête?! Hé mon coeur tendre! Vous avez tort.


Olof Palme talar svenska. Han kom visslande på vägen.

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