Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Euskadi ta askatasuna! Calf muscles for all! Rhian drunk on a thursday? Nutty! not my fault! Madame Pailing's fault. She organised the thing for tonight! *rolls around on floor*
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Oh yer? A vile teacherette doing something like that?
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 She's lovelly although she was mean to me in a dream I had the other night. She did it because it was all you can eat chineese banquetr and we're all greedy bastardos Herr Jenkinson is really funny when he's had a drink
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 <3 Aww, you seem to have gleat teachers...I remember seeing my French teacher ordering in giant bottles of wine on our school trip to Palis...twas mucho fun And aww, ain't Antony just purty
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 He is. I like his wig. Mmmmwig. Language teachers are infinately cooler than any other subject teacher in the world. bam bas bat... ist sind... puisse, fasse.. sache... zijn. *curls up and carries on conjugating*
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I could get my Basque grammar from downstairs, but I don't want to wake me folks up so I reckon I'll skip it. Etcheko. I love Basque genitive surdéclinaison though. <3 Jag jonglerar Du jonglerar Han/hon/den/det jonglerar Vi jonglerar Ni jonglerar De jonglerar
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I could get my Basque grammar from downstairs, but I don't want to wake me folks up so I reckon I'll skip it. Etcheko. I love Basque genitive surdéclinaison though. <3 Jag jonglerar Du jonglerar Han/hon/den/det jonglerar Vi jonglerar Ni jonglerar De jonglerar YOu people in Swedishland may have the most beautiful language in the world, but your verbs are RUBBISH. I bet Olof Palme wouldn't have stood for them. Is jonglerar 'to jungle tigres' ?
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I take it 'to jungle tigres' is Blackpudlian for 'juggling'? Then ye are currect. Who wants to live in a country with rubbish verbs? *Dies* On a lighter note, I might be getting a hepatitis shot tomorrah. Good fun. Oh those Russians. Olof Palme <3 And here, the two coolest, though dead, Swedish politicians of all time:
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 I take it 'to jungle tigres' is Blackpudlian for 'juggling'? Then ye are currect. Who wants to live in a country with rubbish verbs? *Dies* On a lighter note, I might be getting a hepatitis shot tomorrah. Good fun. Oh those Russians. Olof Palme <3 And here, the two coolest, though dead, Swedish politicians of all time: It looked like Jungle and rar for tigers. Don't question the way my mind works. It's blonde, drunk and stupid. Oooh hepatitis is a FUN injection to have. Look at your arm as soon as they've done it, it all goes rashy and all the hairs stick up (Assuming it's Hep A) I've got to go for a Mumps jab soon, STUPID hippy mothers not giving their kids the MMR shot when thems babies and causing a mass epidemic of Mumps here. Blackpool = third world.
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 -Egun on, xigarra nahi nuke. -Bai, zenbat xerra? -Bost behar nituzke. No wonder they make good cyclists.
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Oh, you have a short term, how 'junkie' of you! Hey daaahlin, I'z got hep A innit! I've taken the shot before, never notcied anything funny? I like sticking objects into muscles too.
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Oh, you have a short term, how 'junkie' of you! Hey daaahlin, I'z got hep A innit! I've taken the shot before, never notcied anything funny? I like sticking objects into muscles too. You've actually caught hep A? Short term? *confused and explodes* hehe, did you ever do that thing when you were little, where you stuck sewing pins through a layer of skin on your finger tips and scared friends with it? Awesome fun.
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Me hep A? N-n-naah. Just took it when we went to Rooshia last year so I'm having it again, and this time it lasts for 30 years I think. Tis nice. If I ever feel like shagging a homeless ex-pimp outside of Gare de l'Est. I actually never did the needle thing. Me was too docile. Like a duck.
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Me hep A? N-n-naah. Just took it when we went to Rooshia last year so I'm having it again, and this time it lasts for 30 years I think. Tis nice. If I ever feel like shagging a homeless ex-pimp outside of Gare de l'Est. I actually never did the needle thing. Me was too docile. Like a duck. OOOOOOOOOOOOH 30 years? My booster is only valid for 10 :'( You Swedes with your super drugs. Have you ever noticed with homeless men, they're never bald. Or receeding. *sings* ruuuubber ducky.
Krasnojarsk Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Sweden has boling dlugs. Though we used to have 8 fake jars of EPO by the door. Does 'at count? I though homeless men never were bald, but always with receding hair? Innit? Etxalde hau biziki ederra da!
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 Aye it'll do! Perhaps the hobos vary from land zu land... They're all ginger and hairy here. Bolsheviks!
Jazzlady Posted May 19, 2005 Posted May 19, 2005 That's almost as good as that park bench with 'nique la police' on
Krasnojarsk Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 How lovely! <3 I still love how the Swedishness crawls out bleeding from this thread
Krasnojarsk Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 That's almost as good as that park bench with 'nique la police' on Yer innit! Means 'long live ETA'. And eta means 'and'.
Jazzlady Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 It's over there, cowering in the corner because all the bigger languages with real cases beat it up for all its ås. Poor bugger.
Jazzlady Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Yer innit! Means 'long live ETA'. And eta means 'and'. I'll have to find the picture of my Nain in Llangoed, I think she's stood holding a baby and on the wall behind her it says 'Cack' in big letters.
Krasnojarsk Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Aww. Serves 'em right though. Leave the cool kids alone. Though the Basque kid is a big jambon-eating marsch-rave guy with long hair and a beret. Cool in a way, but he's a misunderstood terrorist. <3
Krasnojarsk Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 I'll have to find the picture of my Nain in Llangoed, I think she's stood holding a baby and on the wall behind her it says 'Cack' in big letters. Ahaha top class! Is that some Cornish freedom fighters?
Jazzlady Posted May 20, 2005 Posted May 20, 2005 Perhaps Basque and Catalan should join forces. That could be bloody to watch. It'd be like a bull fight.
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