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Best Muse song(s) to listen to when ANGRY!!!!


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Ohh man... whoops...


I meant apocalypse please, but I was listening to it, and I typed emergency instead :facepalm:


Well actually you're not entirely wrong.. it used to be called Emergency back when it was a new song.. like Glorious = DES, Assassin = Debase MG etc :p


but yeah I love Matt's shouty-ness in AP.. especially the studio version :cool:

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It's suprising that no one has mentioned Space Dementia yet. The piano and Matt's voice are perfect.

Also Hyper Music (of course), Micro Cuts, Yes Please, Assassin GOB edit.


All of the others are obvious answers but you're completely right with Space Dementia.

It IS my angry song.

I love the anger and emotion in his voice when he says "You make us want to die","You make me sick", etc.

The ending with the piano, sporadic synths, and Matt's zipper is also kind of a pick-me-up :happy:

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Plug In Baby or Space Dementia - when you're really angry.

And if you want to calm down, it'll be Blackout, Soldier's Poem, Unintended or Feeling Good (maybe it's not a good idea when something is driving you mad: you can broke the MP3 player, shouting "No, I'm not feeling like that at all!" :p)

Invincible and Butterflies & Hurricanes make you feel better :happy:

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