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im not opposed to double bass pedals, i own one! iron cobra, and its a beast! and i still enjoy playing loads of muse stuff, so fraid im not part of the ''we'' adam! :p


haha fair do's but there are a lot of single-pedal-ists out there :LOL:

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Its because every time double bass is mentioned, it gets this negative stigma that just isn't fair. No one ever flat out said "if you use double bass you suck" (except maybe for Niles, but hes changed now ),



I never said that. Double bassists can do cool beats. It's true. Take Danny Carey for example. The double bass in The Grudge/Schism is epic but I can play it one one foot (except the two accelerating one measure long breakdowns in the former and the end of the latter). The double bass in the middle of Aenima/end of Hooker With a Penis etc. is so fast and constant that I simply have no chance of keeping up with it on one foot, but that's OK because it's lame anyway.


All of the drummers I like except Jon Theodore and Thomas Pridgen use either two bass drums or a double pedal. My point was I would rather train my right foot to great levels of stamina, power and control to play the things that other drummers use two pedals for and be unable to do things I don't like anyway (and a few things that are cool, like those bits in The Grudge), rather than but a new drum/pedal to get those little bits I missed but be inclined to play the lame stuff. I always prefer to improve myself rather than my equipment.


2) Those little cool things can be done with one foot.

Not always.


To be clear I feel that having a double would definitely improve my playing vocabulary... but not enough for me to want to get one more than just making my right foot really good.

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Guest bshuker

I think that all of you drummers who try and play double kick beats with one foot should really conisder the fact that you will all end up hobbling around with one massive throbbing calf muscle whilst the other is weak and cannot support you.



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Guest bshuker

Hahaha you want to try and put up with Prop's legs from playing Rugby. Theyre massive, although, I can leg press 400kg so I ain't complaining.

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Lets talk exclusivity contracts!


Dom has one with Tama drums


Yet he used a Gretsch kit at Wembley


...and footage of him playing it has been released globally on the HAARP DVD.


What's going on there....



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Well we are on a MUSE messageboard....if you went onto slipknots messageboard I'm sure the response would be a whole lot different.



Really? A drummer that uses almost exclusively double bass may in fact mean that their fans respond better to double bass? For the record, I can't stand Slipknot, I cannot see why 9 people are necessary to make music. Yes, we are one a Muse messageboard, but we are in a drum thread.


We (the people opposed to double bass) feel that the aforementione hardware can be used in 2 ways:


1) Generating noise

2) Adding cool little things here and there


And "we" also think that


1) Noise is ridiculous and not musical.

2) Those little cool things can be done with one foot.


Therefore in our eyes, double bass is pointless.


I agree, many people (death metal genre in general) overuse double bass, and it does sound like crap when that is all they do for a whole album. Amazing things can be done with one foot (look at Bonham, hes a monster!), but not everything can be transcribed from double bass to single bass- it is physically impossible. As I've said before, dismissing double bass because it is "not musical" is an uneducated statement, because you can do loads of creative stuff with it, its just the uncreative stuff that is so often brought to attention. Look at someone like Akira Jimbo, he creates very musical tunes with double bass. Does that mean he is a crap drummer for not using only one pedal? No. Again, there are many things that can only be done with one foot.


So yes, on a message board for a band who creates melodic and symphonic rock music, where the fans will obviously enjoy that same style of music, the response for double bass isnt going to go down that well.


But i really dont care what anyone uses because everyone's different and everyone has a different configuration and OPINION.


So if expressing my opinion and reasoning behind it makes me elitist, then fine....whatever :rolleyes:


Right. Hope thats explained everything and that the namecalling can stop now.




I too respect opinions, but an opinion and fact are two different things. Saying you hate death metal because there is too much double bass is an opinion (one which I share). Saying double bass is pointless is not an opinion, its a wrong statement, because many drummers use double bass to get their point across. If you don't like the music, its an opinion, if you dont like the drummer, its an opinion, but you can't dismiss double bass as a whole when there are so many examples of it being put to good use. Having opinions doesn't make people elitist, discrediting something that has more than enough evidence to support it and then calling them not 'real' drummers does.

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Guest bshuker

There's nothing wrong with Double Kick. Stop whining. If you don't use or like it fair enough, other people might do, no need to discuss it any further. SLAGS

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There's nothing wrong with Double Kick. Stop whining. If you don't use or like it fair enough, other people might do, no need to discuss it any further. SLAGS


Amen. :LOL:


Well anyway, there might be a "drum battle" coming up at school so I'm building up my repertoire of sick beats. :LOL: With both a double and single pedal. :happy: If I'm allowed to use a DP, then I'll use it. :happy:


I'm getting used to this double-kick--I love it! I just find it quite fun, which is what matters, roight? :p

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Yes, we are one a Muse messageboard, but we are in a drum thread.


Yeah - a drum thread on a muse message board implies that it will be muse fans who post in it and therefore show a preference to a single pedal "B3C0z D0m dUz"


As I've said before, dismissing double bass because it is "not musical" is an uneducated statement,


No ones ever said that - we've said that constant double bass is not musical...you agree with us.....next...



(look at Bonham, hes a monster!), but not everything can be transcribed from double bass to single bass- it is physically impossible.


But why would you want to do any better than John "the monster" Bonham?


Surely anything faster is just noise? as we've already established...



If you don't like the music, its an opinion, if you dont like the drummer, its an opinion, but you can't dismiss double bass as a whole when there are so many examples of it being put to good use.


So youre basically saying: "you have to like double bass because lots of people use it effectively"


Ok...fine...i agree....but using that same formula...."I like single pedals because there are so many (more) examples of it being put to good use."


Anyway....PLEASE stop bringing it up! we keep moving on and you keep reviving it! :rolleyes:


There's nothing wrong with Double Kick. Stop whining. If you don't use or like it fair enough, other people might do, no need to discuss it any further. SLAGS




Yeah - we've already established that! :rolleyes:


exclusivity contracts anyone?

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Guest bshuker

SO has anyone got a Tama Mirage kit then or what? Any good?

I know Mike Portnoy switched to them aswell before their latest album/tour and had a hand in Tama rekindling the interest in making them after he got them to make a replica of Bonham's orange acrylic kit.


edit: that and I've seen people who have been making Octoban by getting acrylic pipe and drilling holes then installing the rims and heads as simple as that! Surely you could make a whole kit? (think I might have seen that somewhere aswell come to think of it...)

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