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how the hell can you drummers be playing a normal beat (example stralight verses) and tap the hi hats pedal with the other foot? :eek: it's driving me mad :(


practice makes perfect :)


Adam, could you please get off your high horse and accept that people have different tastes? Jesus, it's so fucking annoying that all you seem to do is talk about how anyone who uses a double bass pedal isn't a drummer and how every song that has double bass in it is complete crap.


woah easy tiger! :rolleyes:


ive never said that theyre "less of a drummer", you seem to be putting words into my mouth...


Its called giving my opinion. In the same way that you like double bass and have your reasons for it....i dont like them and have my reasons why too.


If you want to use it...good for you! :rolleyes:


And im pretty sure ive said many a time that yeah double hits sound good....but all the way through a song doesnt...and im pretty sure many people agreed.....


...and my argument is that double hits can be done with one foot and keep the hi hat going (which imo sounds better)


*emphasis on MY OPINION in case you interpret it wrongly again*


However - if you still feel the need to have a double pedal to do them - go for it - i dont really give a damn!


I dont care what you play...i dont care how you play it....:rolleyes:


I don't mind people using double bass when it's necessary, but I think it's more impressive when people play fake-double bass. Last 30 seconds or so of Song For The Dead...amazing.


I dont mind people using double bass when used effectively (as ive said a million times before)


But most of the time when its used effectively, with enough practice you can do it on one foot (or with toms) therefore eliminating the need for that particular piece of hardware.


I havent heard that song - ill take your word for it! :D


EDIT: after listening to it - yeah i agree completely! Perfect example of what im getting at :D

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its easy. Its the same with playing any beat. You have to teach your brain to let you coordinate your body to do seperate things n st00f.:LOL:


just try getting the hi-hat going and then try and add the beat when you feel your ready to. Just keep doing that and you should get it pretty quickly.


practice makes perfect :)



thanks!:happy: i'm getting there. it's tricky but sounds good.

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About the high hat thing, I learned it by tapping 8ths on the high hat while trying to add an independent bass beat, then once I got that down, I'd try playing with my left hand with the high hat only and so on, then combinations of right foot, left foot, and left hand then eventually you get all four. :)

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thanks!:happy: i'm getting there. it's tricky but sounds good.


About the high hat thing, I learned it by tapping 8ths on the high hat while trying to add an independent bass beat, then once I got that down, I'd try playing with my left hand with the high hat only and so on, then combinations of right foot, left foot, and left hand then eventually you get all four. :)


its a really useful skill to have - and looks rather impressive too ;)


Ive been doing it for years now - when I first started doing it, I had to concentrate on what I was doing - but now my foot goes regardless!


Its as if it's a whole different organism! haha :LOL:

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Just heel-toe with your left foot to do that, really. Easier than moving your foot back and stomping the back of the pedal with the front of your foot.


yeah - without being on a drum kit i think that's what I do...


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On the subject of Iron Cobra HH stands - am just about to invest in one (to match my IC bass pedal).


Any pro's and cons between the 805 and 905 ?


And I see the ole double bass pedal issue has arisien again. Thought I made it clear last time - Single pedal, that's it...nuf said ;)

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On the subject of Iron Cobra HH stands - am just about to invest in one (to match my IC bass pedal).


Any pro's and cons between the 805 and 905 ?


And I see the ole double bass pedal issue has arisien again. Thought I made it clear last time - Single pedal, that's it...nuf said ;)


I have no idea what the difference is between the two - im assuming it's a different sort of cam...


mine's just chain driven and its great!


Im sure both of them will be fine lol :D

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For Christ sake, there are thousands of beats that cannot be done with a single pedal -there is just no way. It can sound close with a floor tom, but then you're using another limb that could be doing something more productive. Not all double bass is constant, and can sound good when used in short parts (agreed that death metal beats for 4 minutes suck). Watch one of Neil Peart's solos, he uses some double bass in a completely musical setting. As for Motp being on a double bass..what? You can clearly hear the single pedal under it, and a concert tom sounds different than a full on bass drum. I am gonna laugh if Dom uses a double pedal on this next album - then will the music suck? Probably not.


If it needs a double bass drum for it to sound "full" then the song must be a weak song musically and the double bass must be generating "noise" as opposed to a good beat.


No. Just...no.


...talk about how anyone who uses a double bass pedal isn't a drummer and how every song that has double bass in it is complete crap.



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For Christ sake, there are thousands of beats that cannot be done with a single pedal -there is just no way. It can sound close with a floor tom, but then you're using another limb that could be doing something more productive.


Why doesnt this argument die? :rolleyes:


We've moved on - were discussing hi hats now.


And anyway, if anything, by using one pedal you keep your hi hat foot free allowing you to create more productive and dynamic beats as opposed to beats just on drums.


Not all double bass is constant, and can sound good when used in short parts (agreed that death metal beats for 4 minutes suck).


Yep. We've established that.


As for Motp being on a double bass..what? You can clearly hear the single pedal under it,


R3AllY!110!010!011 :eek:


I am gonna laugh if Dom uses a double pedal on this next album - then will the music suck? Probably not.


Haha now THAT would be funny!




Wont happen tho ;)


And even if he does - im still not buying one....




haha ive never said that so sod off. :rolleyes:

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Sooo... I we had our talent show audition, and yep, I ended up using a double. I learned all of it in less than two weeks except for the little triplet on the bass drum that pops up sometimes.


this is the song we're playing if you forgot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPGA3vjMLgE

Hella fun, haha. Exceeepppttt...


I didn't have drum mat on stage, and I'm used to playing a carpeted room so on stage everything was sliding around. :LOL: By the end of the song I was playing with my legs stretched out in front of me like I was driving a car. :LOL: Then the slave pedal kept slipping under the high hat stand and it would get stuck on the down stroke so my left foot cut out a few times. :LOL: Oh, and our guitarist missed an arpeggio or two because he changed verses too early.


Even with that, the judges were rather impressed, and we got in... w00t!

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We all suspected it, but finally video proof that Dom controlls the start of the tracks!





The song is at 93bpm - if you set a metronome to that and start it at the time his foot hits that pedal it comes in perfectly!




On HAARP you can see him tap his foot on something in time before he clicks his sticks, which is in time, so I think it's definite


Cant remember the song though

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Why doesnt this argument die? :rolleyes:




haha ive never said that so sod off. :rolleyes:


Its because every time double bass is mentioned, it gets this negative stigma that just isn't fair. No one ever flat out said "if you use double bass you suck" (except maybe for Niles, but hes changed now ;)), but thats the general tone that arrives with the subject. Everyone in this thread has to stop acting so elitist all the time and accept that there is more than one approach to things.



Alyssa, I thought you were doing that Marco Minneman song? Regardless, congrats on getting in and learning something new :D

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Its because every time double bass is mentioned, it gets this negative stigma that just isn't fair. No one ever flat out said "if you use double bass you suck" (except maybe for Niles, but hes changed now ;)), but thats the general tone that arrives with the subject. Everyone in this thread has to stop acting so elitist all the time and accept that there is more than one approach to things.


Well we are on a MUSE messageboard....if you went onto slipknots messageboard I'm sure the response would be a whole lot different.


We (the people opposed to double bass) feel that the aforementione hardware can be used in 2 ways:


1) Generating noise

2) Adding cool little things here and there


And "we" also think that


1) Noise is ridiculous and not musical.

2) Those little cool things can be done with one foot.


Therefore in our eyes, double bass is pointless.


So yes, on a message board for a band who creates melodic and symphonic rock music, where the fans will obviously enjoy that same style of music, the response for double bass isnt going to go down that well.


But i really dont care what anyone uses because everyone's different and everyone has a different configuration and OPINION.


So if expressing my opinion and reasoning behind it makes me elitist, then fine....whatever :rolleyes:


Right. Hope thats explained everything and that the namecalling can stop now.



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Its because every time double bass is mentioned, it gets this negative stigma that just isn't fair. No one ever flat out said "if you use double bass you suck" (except maybe for Niles, but hes changed now ;)), but thats the general tone that arrives with the subject. Everyone in this thread has to stop acting so elitist all the time and accept that there is more than one approach to things.



Alyssa, I thought you were doing that Marco Minneman song? Regardless, congrats on getting in and learning something new :D


Thats what I thought as well...

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