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So I had a drum comp today. :stunned: It was class vs. class, and I was representing the Juniors. :stunned:


Well I got 2nd place. :( But people keep saying (even people I have never talked to before) that I should've won tho. People say that he won just because he's a senior, or sum'n. :erm: But he is good tho! Personally I think I screwed up but like I said everyone said I should've won. :$


I busted out a Purdie shuffle, played the purdie shuffle again but with cross-sticking and my right hand hitting my stick resting on the rim instead of the high-hat, played bonham quads (ON A SINGLE god damnit) with my left hand behind my back, and then quads again while spinning my stick in the air with my right hand, did bonham crossovers, lol... bunch of show-offy type stuff since I was playing for a general crowd...


He couldn't pull off the Purdie shuffle, or the cross-sticking, or the one handed quad, or the spinning of teh stick. :happy: But apparently, the judges liked him more so. :stunned: I'm just glad I beat the lower classmen... haha. I was the only girl as well :erm: and no one knew that I played drums so everyone was sort of surprised. :happy:



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Yep..."nice" and "sexy kit" are words that I constantly utter...but it ain't a cheap kit and I am just wondering if I am being drawn in by the looks and the name...rather than what I am actually getting for my money. It is nice though...and if I don't go for it and get something cheaper or different will I then be thinking.."if only I had"


I guess what I am looking for is someone who knows their drums to say..."don't worry, its a good bit of kit and you won't be dissapointed with the sound / quality" or "don't be daft fool, waste of money..etc".....


...but it is nice and sexy innit....;)

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great - he plays a double bass. woop!


but ffs im hardly limiting myself

oH gAWd I d0n+ hAz G0Ng B4Ss - I cANt PlAy M0Tp


oH J33BuZ I d0n+ hAvEz TaMb0Ur1Ne - I cANt PlAy TaMBoURiN3 SoL0z


OH nO3ZZZ I dOnT OwN a MAzzIv DR()M kiT - I Ca!nt PlaY DwEEm FeAtuR sol0z


its exactly the same. Just because I dont own a particular piece of hardware doesnt mean im limiting myself.


Ill just play the same as what you'd be playing on a double bass drum pedal - but on a hi hat instead. You'll be playing 2 pedals with the momentum hitting one drum...I'll be playing 2 pedals (THE SAME AS YOU! We both have TWO FEET!) but the momentum and sound will be on two pieces of percussion (bass drum and hi hat) - instead of one.


Im NOT limiting myself in any way and Im NOT playing things that I dont really like.


Lets look at the whole she-bang from another direction.


Geoff owns a guitar without a tremolo arm because he doesnt really like the wobbly noise you get with one. He thinks its pretty pointless.


Can he still play Knights of Cydonia?

Yes. He can bend the neck of the guitar slightly.

Okay so it's not THE SAME but its still generating the same sound.

And is Geoff any "technique-less" than someone WITH a tremolo arm?


Is he limiting himself in any way?




He could whup any of our asses in a drum battle even with only a single pedal, I was just posting a video. I'll let this go, but youd better believe its coming back up the next time someone bashes double bass. Besides, the analogy of the tremolo doesn't make sense - completely different situation.


You're just one of those "limited drummers" that lpdrummer was telling me about :noey:"


Its not limiting because you don't play double bass, its limiting because you dismiss double bass in any context.


Talking of new kits being ordered.....I am that close to ordering this kit - without the gong bass I might add - even if Dom has one (and he puts it in a much more sensible place.)




I just love the finish and the layout - but it looks like Tama only do it in Bubinga wood. Not had a lot of experience with that though.....any thoughts?


I'm going back to the shop at the weekend to work out a price and which sizes to order, if I feel like going for it - but I'm already sold on it methinks. Will be my first acoustic kit having played Electric kits for a while. Any last thoughts before I commit ???


Bubinga kits are amazing, the looks are parallel to its sound, so as long as you've heard it, and like it, I have heard nothing negative about those kits. Just make sure to post pics when you get it!! ;)

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I'll let this go, but youd better believe its coming back up the next time someone bashes double bass.


oh i cannot wait :rolleyes:


Besides, the analogy of the tremolo doesn't make sense - completely different situation.


Ok then - gong bass drum. I dont own one nor want one but can still play MOTP.


"oh but youre limiting yourself by not having one" No.


A double pedal is just an extra piece of hardware. As is a gong bass. A piccolo snare. A tambourine. A Cowbell. A Ribbon crasher. (And a tremolo)


Its not limiting because you don't play double bass, its limiting because you dismiss double bass in any context.


Yeah i dont see the point in it.


None of the extra stuff you can do with it appeals to me.







The word bulbinga confuses me! :LOL:


I dont trust it!


Im sure it sounds great tho! haha


It's just the word "bulbinga" :LOL:

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oh i cannot wait :rolleyes:


Then don't say anything stupid

oh i cannot wait :rolleyes:




Ok then - gong bass drum. I dont own one nor want one but can still play MOTP.



Still, doesn't work for the sake of this argument.





If I remember correctly, Bubinga is suposed to be warmer than maple with more of a low pitch while still having the attack of a birch kit. Awesome :p

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I believe it's "bubinga", and it's African. :LOL:


AHAHAHA! That's where Im going wrong!


I've always pronounced it BuLbinga! hahahaha :LOL:


I've never read it properly :$ How embarrasing! But rather funny! :LOL::LOL:


And please, everyone just STFU about double bass...


I've been saying this for the past few pages but it KEEPS coming up :(:rolleyes:


Then don't say anything stupid


Well I havent been doing so thus far..... :rolleyes:


Only the bulbinga thing was stupid. :p


Still, doesn't work for the sake of this argument.


Yes it does. :stunned: How does it not?!


Its a piece of hardware that allows you to play something that you "apparently" couldnt usually do before.


A tambourine allows you to make jingly noises that you couldnt do before.


A gong bass allows you to make those deep thuddy noises that you couldnt do before.


A hi hat clutch allows you to close the hi hats with your stick that you couldnt do before.


A double pedal allows you to do faster hits on the bass drum that you couldnt do before.


You know all this already!


And in all those cases, an alternative is just as good! I'll play slightly open hi-hats to get a slooshy sound instead of a tambourine. I'll hit the floor tom to get those deep noises as opposed to a gong bass. I'll use my foot to close the hi hats :eek:. And ill use different techniques as well as a combination of bass and floor tom to get those fast hits on the bass drum.


Which we've discussed in thorough detail over the past million pages.


And if you're coming from the "oh but its a whole different technique" argument, then it still applies to those different percussive instruments as there will be a technique applied when playing the gong bass - there will be a technique applied when playing a tambourine theres certainly a different technique using a hi hat clutch etc etc etc....


Rototoms, octobans, gongs, zil-bels, wood blocks, chimes, xylophones all have different techniques and different sounds. Are you going to get them all or are you going to "limit yourself?"


Cuz I'm not. And I'm not.


Now surely this is the end as I feel I'm repeating myself every 10 posts and it's not going in.


It's not that hard to understand the angle I'm coming from surely?


I've said in the past that if you want to use double bass then do it. Ive got no problem with that as every drummer is different and every configuration is different.


But me, personally, am not going to get one as I dont feel the need. In much the same way that Im not going to buy an oriental 40" gong. Sure, I can't play the same sound, and I'm "limiting myself as a drummer by not playing the oriental style" but thats my choice as no music I'm going to play will need it.

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Yeah...your talking about £2,400 just for the Bass, 1 rack and 2 floor toms...hence I'm wanting to make sure it is worth it. Must be the Bubungs....burbinga, boobinga...whatever it is !!


I'd have it in the Maple like a shot which would be £400 cheaper but they only do that finish in the bur.... boo.... buur...you know what I mean.


Flippin gong bass looks like a world war two searchlight stuck up there. Would have looked at home on the HAARP tour stage methinks !!

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Yeah...your talking about £2,400 just for the Bass, 1 rack and 2 floor toms...hence I'm wanting to make sure it is worth it. Must be the Bubungs....burbinga, boobinga...whatever it is !!


I'd have it in the Maple like a shot which would be £400 cheaper but they only do that finish in the bur.... boo.... buur...you know what I mean.


Flippin gong bass looks like a world war two searchlight stuck up there. Would have looked at home on the HAARP tour stage methinks !!


Build it out of maple and replicate the finish yourself? :LOL:


It would be a hell of a lot harder than just buying it, but also a hell of a lot cheaper. You can get a good unfinished maple shell with the bearing edges done for under $200...

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