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nah just wondering where you got the CoD-vibe in the Revolt descriptions from, and also how Drones can be a standard typical ending but yet only be compared to SP. Also I'm kinda against the while idea of seeing songs as v.2.0 of anything, and I don't see how that would be a good thing.


I meant to type standard typical "epic" album closer on one way or another, and SP is the only other track that came to mind that had some kind of blueprint as to how Muse might approach this, since SP relied almost completely on 4 part harmonies except for a very basic backing track; Matt doing a round + Gregorian chant chorus sounds far more impressive hence my description as more brooding and worthy of its position as a closer. I'm against the idea of that too because I would never describe a song I've actually heard that way because there's far more to go off of, but I used 2.0 as just general ideas of what the sound or approach might be like. I have no problem with sonic/structural similarities but CoD I mentioned mainly just because it's kind of what I would want out of it. Very melodic and poppy but what Muse did with the instrumentation and buildup felt fresh and interesting.

Edited by jonisdead
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I think it can get up to number two on my favorite albums, but I don't see it topping OoS.:rolleyes:


We'll see, I like a lot OoS, but I like what we've heard from Drones more. I think Reapers and DI tops half OoS (Reapers maybe tops ALL the album except CE), so, I'm very happy with it :). Of course, it's only my opinion. And I remember when T2L came out, I though it was their third best album, and now I think it's their worst :LOL::LOL:

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We'll see, I like a lot OoS, but I like what we've heard from Drones more. I think Reapers and DI tops half OoS (Reapers maybe tops ALL the album except CE), so, I'm very happy with it :). Of course, it's only my opinion. And I remember when T2L came out, I though it was their third best album, and now I think it's their worst :LOL::LOL:


I'm really digging the production on "Drones." It seems like the bass lines have more prominence than their last few albums. Which is awesome, 'cause that's one of their best attributes. :happy:

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Just woke up to find that this thread hasn't filled. So, I gather from this page that Game of Drones was absolutely amazing (I'll get it when I can!), and that someone has made a comment on the Drones songs? Anything happened in the past seven hours? Last I was here, Spidey made the fake list.

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Just woke up to find that this thread hasn't filled. So, I gather from this page that Game of Drones was absolutely amazing (I'll get it when I can!), and that someone has made a comment on the Drones songs? Anything happened in the past seven hours? Last I was here, Spidey made the fake list.


I'm not sure if you saw it, but there was a positive review of "Drones."

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Just woke up to find that this thread hasn't filled. So, I gather from this page that Game of Drones was absolutely amazing (I'll get it when I can!), and that someone has made a comment on the Drones songs? Anything happened in the past seven hours? Last I was here, Spidey made the fake list.



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I'm really digging the production on "Drones." It seems like the bass lines have more prominence than their last few albums. Which is awesome, 'cause that's one of their best attributes. :happy:


I think that's Mutt doing wonders to the sound of the band :LOL::LOL:. I hope they stick with him in the next album!

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This one. Too lazy to reread.:p


I was here for that. Nothing's happened in nearly eight hours? I mean, we've had basically nothing since Saturday, with the only notable thing being about The Handler. Hope this is the calm before the storm.

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Chris said in the interview a few pages back that they are headed to the US after the European festivals. Could this mean they'll have a US tour as early as August/September?


we just have to wait, the US tour page was put up but quickly taken down yesterday

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