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I do like the Reapers drum work and have played it a few times in my own jamming work.


In terms of Dom's drumming, there's some tracks that are a bit more lively and varied than others. But that's fairly standard. I'd say a lot of the later Muse albums is fairly simplistic drumwork, which is something I would say about the 3 studio tracks we've heard so far from Drones, but there's plenty of intricate variation beyond standard "bish-bash-bosh" playing in the back catalogue.


On Black Holes, I know Assassin gets the big plaudits, but I'd say the playing on Map of the Problematique and Invincible is good work. Also agreed that a lot of the playing on Origin of Symmetry works very nicely.


Nice to see a fellow drummer like myself.


Totally agreed with Maps and Invincible but the production of the album annoys me as the drums do not come out as clearly as they should. The drumming in Starlight is another Dom highlight. While it is incredibly simple and easy to play it completely carries the song and always gets the crowd involved live.

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Nice to see a fellow drummer like myself.


Totally agreed with Maps and Invincible but the production of the album annoys me as the drums do not come out as clearly as they should. The drumming in Starlight is another Dom highlight. While it is incredibly simple and easy to play it completely carries the song and always gets the crowd involved live.


As a whole I've always thought Black Holes was quite overproduced. Absolution has production flaws, but they're worse on BHaR.


Yeah, Starlight is a fairly good choice as the drums in that are essentially the lead in a live setting.


I'd say the drum work on the Showbiz album is also a good highlight. Its certainly more intricate than the work on The 2nd Law, which is fairly simple to play.

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Nice to see a fellow drummer like myself.


Totally agreed with Maps and Invincible but the production of the album annoys me as the drums do not come out as clearly as they should. The drumming in Starlight is another Dom highlight. While it is incredibly simple and easy to play it completely carries the song and always gets the crowd involved live.


Drummer as well! We should all make our own little muso thread to discuss drum parts, or decipher song structures and keys with other musicians keen to break Muse songs apart. :happy:

I didn't really see a problem with the mixing of BH&R :S What exactly was the issue? How wasn't it clear?

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I'd say the drum work on the Showbiz album is also a good highlight. Its certainly more intricate than the work on The 2nd Law, which is fairly simple to play.


Ah but Showbiz was tough to listen to. There's a particular rawness and youthfulness evident in their music that's just hard to follow. The drums on Showbiz were fairly creative, much along the likes of Radiohead, though, as many people pointed out around that era.

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Drummer as well! We should all make our own little muso thread to discuss drum parts, or decipher song structures and keys with other musicians keen to break Muse songs apart. :happy:

I didn't really see a problem with the mixing of BH&R :S What exactly was the issue? How wasn't it clear?


BH&R is compressed horribly and MOTP is one of the worst tracks for it.

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I've seen Ronnie Vanucci and Taylor Hawkins do long and intricate drum solos, and they got massive cheers. Maybe its bias as I play them and usually spend a lot of time hearing out what the parts are doing and sound like, but I do like that kinda thing. It was quite something in the film Whiplash with that having a drum solo as its climactic scene, but also having it look and feel like it was an action sequence. Had more physicality than mot fucking action films to boot.


Sure, most music has simple drumwork and has the drummer essentially as being like the beats in electronic music, but that gets boring after a while. I do like stuff like Neil Peart in Rush or in a modern example, Matt Helders in Arctic Monkeys, where the drums are still serving the track, but are much more elaborate, and also feel to some degree like they're leading the compositions.


Yeah the verses drumming is quite good. Also like the drums during the "We must runnnnnnnn" bit after the second chorus, even if I can never figure out how to fucking play them.


I believe I've managed to figure it out. It's similar to the tom rhythm he plays in Helsinki Jam, with him playing quavers with his RH and LF on the floor tom and hihat, then filling the space in between each quaver with a bass drum on the semiquaver off beat, which is why it has that driving 16ths feel. Then there's the short little semiquaver bursts on the floor tom and rack tom too.

Tricky rhythm to master and then to maintain!

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perhaps it's a bit early to ask but.. when might we be getting european arena tour dates? on album release? or later..?


If they going to play from february - april here i might say september an announcement?

but it's also possible somewhere in june, around album release. i think of these 2 things are possible.

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If they going to play from february - april here i might say september an announcement?

but it's also possible somewhere in june, around album release. i think of these 2 things are possible.


I hope it's september, just so i know I'd be able to afford a ticket

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