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I've always just assumed it's him because I don't think it's in character for anyone else to cut down on a song's length like that. They could have easily fit that extra two or three minutes on the disk so it wasn't a matter of capacity.


They've literally talked about how they cut down a lot of song lengths on BH&R when they changed studios and got other influences.

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I guess for me, the Assassin/ExoPolitics examples would be a case where having a producer wouldn't necessarily be a good thing, if that's the case.


There would have been really no equivalent changes that would have made, say, many of the songs on T2L more cohesive.


I'm sure that they've written more songs than we'll ever see or hear. I'm sure he's going to have a major say in what goes on the album and he'll suggest minor revisions.


This wasn't true for the last two albums, at all, though, was it?

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This wasn't true for the last two albums, at all, though, was it?

I think with the last two albums they have gone to Matt's recorded demos a lot (like Madness) and picked the 10-12 songs they wanted to develop, and that's what ended up on the albums.


EDIT: Well actually I didn't mean that that was how they did it with EVERY song, but you get the point.

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And who gets the blame for the unholy mastering job on, say, Abso and BH&R, which, reverse respectively, sounded like a wall of noise and a recording done through a thick, furry sock?

While we're at it.


The people who did the mastering.


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And why is it in character for Costey?


Looking through his discography it's very rare to find a song above 5 minutes and there's not a whole lot above 4 minutes. Then compare that to John Leckie who has quite a few long songs under his belt and Mutt Lange who has even more proportionally.

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Looking through his discography it's very rare to find a song above 5 minutes and there's not a whole lot above 4 minutes. Then compare that to John Leckie who has quite a few long songs under his belt and Mutt Lange who has even more proportionally.


You know this proves nothing?

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Really don't know what to make of this development but can't help but be reminded of the interview last... Spring I think? That Matt did with a car magazine where he mentioned he'd been listening to a lot of classic rock lately. Boom. Mutt Lange produces. :noey:


Hopefully it leads to cohesiveness for the album, and not crap.

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Production really means nothing and is massively over exaggerated in terms of importance. You can have a great song with poor production or

, all (sort of) by the same band, and regarded are some of the greatest songs of all-time, regardless of the quality of production.


Muse have always had a very high production level in their music, except for maybe a few very early b-sides. Their raw sound (if it even comes out) will still have a very high production level.

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Production really means nothing and is massively over exaggerated in terms of importance. You can have a great song with poor production or
, all (sort of) by the same band, and regarded are some of the greatest songs of all-time, regardless of the quality of production.


Muse have always had a very high production level in their music, except for maybe a few very early b-sides. Their raw sound (if it even comes out) will still have a very high production level.

Complete nonsense.


You're referring to one (well one and a half) genre of music, one which is known for tacky production, and makes use of it as part of its appeal.


It totally depends on the type of music, and what you want your music to be.


And you just said it yourself, "if it even comes out". That's a matter of production, in case you didn't realise.

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