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I think Isolated System is Muse's best album closer as well. Would've liked a few more bars of the climax with maybe another instrument added in, but those apocalyptic choirs are perfect.


Hmm well Redemption is still up there (though it took me several minutes to remember what it is called :LOL:) but yeah, Isolated System is special.

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Really liking what I'm hearing, definitely better (overall) than TR, in my opinion!


My favorites (after the first listen) are Supremacy, Animals, Big Freeze, and Liquid State. :)


But much as I'm loving the album, I couldn't help but notice how demanding Muse is getting with these new songs! "Save Me", "Follow Me", Madness tells us to "come to me" and "rescue me", Explorers asks "free me", Big Freeze says "heal me" and "feel me"... :LOL:


:LOL: All they think of is themselves! :mad:

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finally listened to all the songs 2x in the album order on repeat all.


I like it, I love the songs where Chris sings, deffinitely different. There is one song that reminds me of the Red Hot Chili Peppers cover of Higher Ground for some reason, maybe its the guitar settings.


Overall its a decent album but not my fav. There are some really good tracks, and some not so good tracks.


Will deffinitely be getting the album (of course that's without saying) and the DVD :D

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Right party SHITER, but all this raving is making me






Panic Station

Big Freeze

Follow Me


Save Me


Liquid State


Isolated System


it works so much better for me, actually has some flow to it


Same here. I didn't really enjoy the album until I used this tracklist ... Why, Muse, WHY?:LOL:

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WARNING: Ramble ahead:


I've always said it: I wanted OoS 2. Not an exact replica of the album, but pretty much its part two simply because I adore the shit out of that album. T2L isn't it, and there never will be an OoS 2, but this is as close as they'll ever get to it, which is probably why I love it as much as I do right now.


It takes subtle elements from the best bits of OoS (and the OoS era) and BH&R - which, at its finest, had some of their best work on it.

-Supremacy has hints of New Born, Shrinking Universe and Take a Bow with its epic, OTT insanity mixed with fatality falsettos;

-Animals has that Latin influence like City of Delusion and Hoodoo, but also harks back to Darkshines and the softness of Screenager or Shine Acoustic;

-Panic Station is the funky brother of Supermassive;

-Big Freeze is even a bit close to Nature_1 with its guitar tones (if Nature_1 had been reworked by Michael Jackson).

-Liquid State is Assassin done right!


There are a lot of comparative points to draw to some of their best songs: when Muse was simply sublime. I'm sure there are more than I've forgotten, but all I know is while listening to it, every so often a track would remind me of an 'early days' song.


I couldn't make that claim about The Resistance, or only fleetingly. Unnatural Selection was similar in form to Citizen, but it was its weaker equivalent. You could say why should they draw influences from their past music, but THIS album is exactly why! Because on some of these tracks it's like they've remoulded their former musical selves towards a different, exciting direction; they're experimenting with their former experimentation, if that makes any sense.


I'm gonna stop rambling now and listen to it all over again!


/end ramble

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