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yeah still waiting for the weather and temp to get in line together. its either sunny and freezing or warm and too damp.


AND still havent got my hands on any inserts at a reasonable price. got 1000 little bolts to use but no inserts to screw them into. i found a place where they're £20 for 1000. yay i thought. out of stock. got quotes for £7 and £9 - per 100. then found some for £35.50 per 1000. ok then, reasonable enough. put it in basket, checkout - vat is £9, postage is £12.50. turns into £57 per 1000. bugger that.


anyway, tried that bass shape as a guitar. i like it. needs a name



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well i still havent chosen a name. o well. it can wait. while being bored tonight i have been playing around with the impressionist making it all the colours of mirror that i could make it and it looks good with all of them!! i just need 8 people to want one each wanting a different colour now

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