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hooglebug, did you ever take a look at how some places chamber their bodies for tone? I remember seeing a couple of interesting ones, like where they had a load of small, rectangular chambers. but something like this could be interesting:


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everyone has their own ideas i suppose. theres millions of different ways of doing it. prs just has some 3/4 inch wide vertical routes on its single cuts, some have loads of little tiny ones with thin ribs seperating them. and gibson of course just randomly drills some holes here and there

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heres the neck with its headstock cap and wings (being glued on now). the neck has been thicknessed and just needs tapering




top has had its angle put on. once the neck has been tapered and had its fretboard end shape on it, and the neck pocket cut then i can get to carving the top



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sounds good



i'm having second thoughts about using this guitar for that tuning...how do you think it would sound with down tuning?



maybe at first I'll just use it in standard tuning, but with heavier strings (EB skinny top heavy bottom preferred) and see what it's like.

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who knows. might be that the scale length would need to be a bit longer for it to really work, but i cant see why it wouldnt be ok. but its easy enough to put new strings on and tune it down isnt it.


just got the neck tapered - will do the neck pocket now. then glue the front headstock veneer on tonight

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yeah i really want to do one. but i reeeeeeaaaaaalllllllyyy want to do my black mirror impressionist with blue lights that look like stars that come on when you play


oh and james - the black veneer has been glued to the body and the headstock veneer is gluing now. its getting there

Edited by hooglebug
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