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James, I hope you realise what you've done to me. Not only did you propel me into spending nearly £4000 on an MB-1 thanks to those first pictures you took when you got it, but then here I was, quite happy to wait until October without giving it another thought, and then you post that new hi-res picture and I just can't stop gawping at it. Bastard! :LOL:

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James, I hope you realise what you've done to me. Not only did you propel me into spending nearly £4000 on an MB-1 thanks to those first pictures you took when you got it, but then here I was, quite happy to wait until October without giving it another thought, and then you post that new hi-res picture and I just can't stop gawping at it. Bastard! :LOL:


You're welcome :awesome:


And that's how it goes really. You're relieved just because you know you got one, but after a short while, you become more and more impatient. Just wait until you see others receiving theirs and you're still waiting!


I'm not too fussed about waiting for the DL-1 at this point since I've got something else to keep me busy...

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You're welcome :awesome:


And that's how it goes really. You're relieved just because you know you got one, but after a short while, you become more and more impatient. Just wait until you see others receiving theirs and you're still waiting!


I'm not too fussed about waiting for the DL-1 at this point since I've got something else to keep me busy...


Ha, well I'm still probably going to be alright for a while. I mean, as I've said a few times, I'm not going to have the last thousand or so until the end of September anyway, so the length of the wait is about ideal really. I'm a pretty patient guy too which helps. And I'm off to Thailand for 2 months on Saturday so that will eat a big chunk out of the wait. Then it's the summer for a few months when I come back, so that will take my mind off it, and then it's nearly September! :happy:

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Yeah, I'm fairly patient - the wait wasn't as bad as when it was stuck in customs and I didn't know what was going on.


I did explain the entire process before.


january 29th: I'm going to call up to buy an MB-1! :)


february 3rd: oh cool, an order confirmation. It's MINE. :D

february 19th: damn it I want an X-Y pad too - I'm going to change the spec. :awesome:

march: cool, they're starting the second run right about now. :happy:

april: yeah, second run definitely would have started by now :)

may: oh crap why did i buy another guitar :rolleyes:

june: yay summer time, in three months I should have the MB-1! :D

july: fuck it's hot. :(

august: waiting patiently....lol... :indiff:

september 1st: WHERE IS MY MB-1?! :mad:

september: 8th: JIM YOU FUCKER YOU GOT YOURS FIRST :mad:

september 14th: HOLY SHIT IT'S FINISHED!! :eek:

september 16th-29th: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? :mad:

october 2nd: IT'S HERE!!!!!!!! but now what do I have to look forward to? :(




I'm more excited about the other guitar I have on the way, which seems to be taking shape.

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Haha! Yeah, I remember reading that before XD. At least I won't have to worry about mine being stuck in customs for months on end! Which is the other guitar you've got lined up? I need to focus on upgrading my amp once the MB-1 arrives whch will be the next thing I save for. Then I might start considering a custom (see what you people have turned me into :LOL:)!

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Haha! Yeah, I remember reading that before XD. Which is the other guitar you've got lined up? I need to focus on upgrading my amp once the MB-1 arrives whch will be the next thing I save for. Then I might start considering a custom (see what you people have turned me into :LOL:)!


What are you using now?


And it's a custom being built by Tim. Similar to the Red Special on his facebook page, but with some different specs.

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At the moment I'm still using a tiny little thing that does its job well but ideally I want to significantly expand the array of sounds on offer, so once I've paid for the MB-1, my big buy of 2011, I'll start saving again and a new amp will be my big buy of 2012 XD. I feel that if I'm going to spend big on a guitar then I need an amp worthy of its awesomeness! :p

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Pics James?




can't seem to copy the image address (that new image browser is crap), hopefully you can see those.


Mine is going to be the same shape (you've already seen the rough cutout of the body on my flickr), but with these specs


Brazilian Mahogany body, carved top

Maple semi thru glue neck

22 fret ebony board, side dots only, Medium jumbo frets

3x3 machine heads (gotoh 510)

ibanez lo pro bridge

miracle man bridge, mississippi queen neck

3 way switch, 1 volume, 1 tone (with push pull coil tap)

side mount jack

Metallic burnt orange spray job body and neck in hi gloss, black headstock face with logo to match body

All hardware including pickup covers in Black Chrome.

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Just angle slightly so you're just out of reflection and it's just reflecting the ceiling. I think a few have been from as far away as I can get with a bit of zoom so get close enough.


I haven't started anything on the new one yet, it's cut out but that's it. I need to pop into the joinery and run it through the planer to take a few mm of thickness off before I can do anything really. It's about 46mm at the moment, without the alloy so it's going to end up about 48mm with is slightly too thick really don't you think? Although it's still less than a Les Paul...

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Just angle slightly so you're just out of reflection and it's just reflecting the ceiling. I think a few have been from as far away as I can get with a bit of zoom so get close enough.


I haven't started anything on the new one yet, it's cut out but that's it. I need to pop into the joinery and run it through the planer to take a few mm of thickness off before I can do anything really. It's about 46mm at the moment, without the alloy so it's going to end up about 48mm with is slightly too thick really don't you think? Although it's still less than a Les Paul...


my ceiling is ugly though. it's not like it's a floor.


i'm not sure really. what is the thickness of your mirror top? because it looks a bit on the thin side.


compare it to this



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Yeah that mirror one is really thin. I had a bit of a nightmare with the belt sander thinning that one down. It ended up uneven and I had to take a bunch more off to get it back to flat. That one's only 40mm. How thick are the Mansons?

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You're not thinking anti-gravity enough


Yeah, but my ceiling is still ugly.


So is my floor carpet.


Yes, it's a carpet. A trad3mark signature carpet.


Yeah that mirror one is really thin. I had a bit of a nightmare with the belt sander thinning that one down. It ended up uneven and I had to take a bunch more off to get it back to flat. That one's only 40mm. How thick are the Mansons?


I'll have to get a proper measurement, but I'd say at least as thick as the back of a les paul. The MB-1 is roughly the same thickness as the shatter (including the mirror top)

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