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Muse and Virgin


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since muse and virgin are gonna be working together to play in space (something which i thought was going to be one of those things which is always gonna be said, but never actually done)


and virgin are always using uprising and hysteria, do you reckon virgin media would add muse to their on demand or is this still going to be a record label thing

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They have been on Virgin Media, well Undisclosed Desires is played for the adverts for TV choice on demand, at least it was a couple of days ago.


I'm not sure about this space thing though. I think Matt's just made it up! :chuckle:


Given his fascination with space and aliens and stuff I'm pretty sure when he says they've had "serious discussions" about it he means it

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How much is it per song? I've got the XL package so it's all included. Good job too as my little boys spend hours on there sometimes watching music videos.


to be honest with you


i have no idea, im on XL an all


an im glad we dont have to pay, theyd make a killing from me watching klaxons, killers and 30 seconds to mars all the time

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virgin are using feeling good for their new advert and totally ripping off the the absolution cover graphics with floating people shadows.

but having said that, muse are a few years ahead with their ideas anyway. just look at the great fashion designs of 4 or 5 years ago. that stuff is being worn today as new fashion.

real inspired creativity takes its hold only when the masses have gotten accustomed to it and it has filtered into the mainstream.


matts lyricism is and has always been sooo far ahead.

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since muse and virgin are gonna be working together to play in space (something which i thought was going to be one of those things which is always gonna be said, but never actually done)


and virgin are always using uprising and hysteria, do you reckon virgin media would add muse to their on demand or is this still going to be a record label thing


Virgin is a group of seperate companies that use the virgin brand, they don't really have a great deal in common except for that.

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virgin are using feeling good for their new advert and totally ripping off the the absolution cover graphics with floating people shadows.

but having said that, muse are a few years ahead with their ideas anyway. just look at the great fashion designs of 4 or 5 years ago. that stuff is being worn today as new fashion.

real inspired creativity takes its hold only when the masses have gotten accustomed to it and it has filtered into the mainstream.


matts lyricism is and has always been sooo far ahead.

I saw that ad at the cinema when I saw Tron Legacy, it was so cheesy I laughed

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Well I think its a risky idea, potential landmark in music.


However, the decision is whether to do it after the success and world tour of TR, or wait for the release of their new album, which could potentially be a long time, considering Chris has now got children, and Matt's hoe is pregnant. So the success of that album could be incredible, which then it would of been the precise time to do it. However, if it nose dives, then there will be little interest in then doing it..

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virgin are using feeling good for their new advert and totally ripping off the the absolution cover graphics with floating people shadows.

matts lyricism is and has always been sooo far ahead.




Airplane Silhouettes are NOT ripping off an album cover, It's basically portraying busy skies and people flying, as guess what Virgin is an airline..


I think it's an awesome advert.. Muse + A340-600's... win.




In respect to muse playing in space.. I think it's possible.. but at least a few years off yet. Let's virgin Galactic up and running first.


If it is to happen. I think It will just be a Virgin galactic aircraft full of passengers plus muse doing a short acoustic gig.. it's not much but counts as a gig innit.

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Airplane Silhouettes are NOT ripping off an album cover, It's basically portraying busy skies and people flying, as guess what Virgin is an airline..


I think it's an awesome advert.. Muse + A340-600's... win.




In respect to muse playing in space.. I think it's possible.. but at least a few years off yet. Let's virgin Galactic up and running first.


If it is to happen. I think It will just be a Virgin galactic aircraft full of passengers plus muse doing a short acoustic gig.. it's not much but counts as a gig innit.


+1... I love that advert, however effing cheesy it is :chuckle:.


I'd fight to the death to be on the Virgin aircraft that hosts a Muse gig. Srsly. :fear:


Off-topic: your sig gif is bloody hilarious! :LOL: :LOL:

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Airplane Silhouettes are NOT ripping off an album cover, It's basically portraying busy skies and people flying, as guess what Virgin is an airline..


I think it's an awesome advert.. Muse + A340-600's... win.









i thought stilton was pure cheese but that is so cheesy that i do want to eat it


but i dont want to travel with virgin if the staff collapse and turn into a puddle of what appears to be milk

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