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Everything posted by Cider

  1. :dance: So it'll be here the week after next, yesh?
  2. Hm, I never bought anything that big from overseas so I have no idea how this works, but I think usually FedEx would send you a bill ex-post Awesome! I'm glad to see they streamlining the upgrades on the MBC1
  3. Mine isn't in there :'(:'(:'(
  4. Our Animateds get shipped out later today. Can't wait. What's wrong?
  5. Do I get a small serial number too?
  6. Trust me, after I get this PayPal address changed and confirmed, I'll pay for my animated right away. Hopefully it'll be shipped out at the same time as yours, James And yes, I'd love to listen to a Voskhod sample too
  7. What bass amp do you use, James? I feel like I should get some real amps, but I have so much moving in the foreseeable future So excited for the Animated. Now, the question is how many Voskhod's are we allowed to get?
  8. I'll try the Mango & Lime sauce next time James. Won't be too long, I suppose Been having lots of fun with the Mammoth. I love that it's a completely different beast from the FFF and much easier to tame.
  9. I don't think it's supposed to be figured, no. This was an FSR edition back in 2014 I think - couldn't get much info about it, but the ones in the pictures I've seen don't have figured necks. The normal run doesn't, either. I somehow got a forgotten guitar - it was brand new with tags & paperwork and everything. I really liked the chicken thighs & liver I got. Only went for medium sauce though, but the boyfriend did say Hot was spicy for him.
  10. Just a pair of Audio Technica M50x so I think they're supposedly quite flat? (I haven't gotten around to buying a pair of studio monitors ) Usually I use a VH4, AC30 or DSL 800 sim on the Firehawk, but this is the list of amps available: http://uk.line6.com/data/6/0a06439c36d454ebd5077a5a3/file/pdf/firehawk-amp-models.pdf I just recently discovered that I could change the cab setting and that alters the sound too If you look at those cabs on the list, what would you use? Oh, I made the mistake of listening to studio versions and kicking myself when I can't get the right sound. I never really had an amp so I'm really unfamiliar with how the knobs would translate into the Firehawk. (I'm assuming 12 o'clock is about 50% on the bar, and 3 o'clock 75%). If it was a Diezel VH4 on Fury, then better to try a Fender sim to start with.<-- I don't really understand this part, could you explain it a bit? Does the FF go before the Whammy for Fury? I remember reading you guys say that the FF doesn't play well being after anything in the chain. Also how do you set it I hate hearing loud squeals so I just set mine at 10 2:15 2:15 4:15 4:15 and never touch the knobs again Thanks so much everyone for keep helping me with everything. K&T really is awesome Also I've been informed that I received a tall, large, rectangle package in the mail
  11. Thank you! I'm just using a Line 6 Firehawk to simulate the amp, so I have most of the ones I want, I think. I've been having trouble with listening to a song and setting the parameters accordingly though. How do tell tell if I want high mids or scooped mids or stuff like that? :$
  12. Thank you! Haven't tried the mammoth with whammy, I'll do it later today. For the +- octave, when do I press my foot? And do I bring my heel back all the way? I never used this type of pedal before so I have no idea Also what should the amp setting be? Aw, that sucks He's a dealer, yeah, so I'm guessing it's a mis-ship.
  13. James, looks like the bass got through the wood police! Should be getting here tomorrow or so. That was a close one though, would not recommend Ordered a Whammy V from Ebay, seller sent me 2 and didn't know it . Returning the extra one to them today. Couldn't bring myself to keep it & rip them off Now that I have the Whammy, how do I Fury? :love:
  14. Congratulations to both of you! Any difficulty regarding the rosewood? jbias, I love how you got a Manson box. Must be because he's an official Manson dealer What do we think of the new MA Cort? I like this one best. Would've liked the Scotch Blonde more if the pickguard were black though
  15. Yeah, I want yours more anyway. Smaller enclosure and all How's the Voskhod compared to the Russian Big Muff? I'll get that one too, but I was kinda hoping that the enclosure would be black so it'll look cool next too the Animated
  16. What do you guys think of this? http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2017-gibson-reveals-2017-traditional-high-performance-and-ultra-affordable-s-series-electric-guitar-line-up-646926 I quite like the S Series LP Custom Special. Crazy to think that the cheapest guitar in Gibson lineup will start at $399 though.
  17. MGW just posted a video about the whole rosewood debacle. Looks like the paperwork's been causing them headaches as well
  18. It's brand new, probably NOS forgotten somewhere. Not much information on the Lake Placid Blue available, the 4 usual colors are Black, Red, Dolphin Grey and Gun Metal Blue. According to some German website, LPB was a limited FSR edition, so I really hope the wood police won't touch it. Today's a federal holiday so I wouldn't know if it's stuck in customs for a couple more days Also, this is the seller. Asked him if the Animato was still available in Japan - apparently he found one brand new. I can't justify that price though (animated + voskhod, and then some), but it'll probably be gone in a couple days? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Human-Gear-Animato-Distortion-NEW-Free-Shipping-From-Japan/122313089335?_trksid=p2050601.c100085.m2372&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37338%26meid%3D6c5aadc70cd2437b818f3dd3e7a74356%26pid%3D100085%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D122313089335%26clkid%3D1910655594340741866&_qi=RTM2247625
  19. Shit, I totally forgot about the new rosewood ban :'(:'(:'( I'll keep you updated on how it goes through customs and all :'(
  20. It's coming from a Japanese seller based in Tokyo. Shipping via EMS, so I hope it won't take longer than a week. That Les Paul Studio was actually really light, like 7.9 lbs or something. I think it had a thinner, weight-relief body though
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