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Everything posted by Cider

  1. Nah, I checked LiveNation (supposedly the official site?). Might as well get the enhanced experience tbh - it's like $50 more expensive Also James, you should go to the Biffy show in DC with me next month. 9:30 is supposedly a great venue and tickets are so cheap
  2. Might have a chance to go to Florida in May, so I'm looking at concert tickets. Damn, good seats are quite pricey. $500 for 2 people in Price level 1
  3. Jaicen, I keep seeing these "rumors" on TGP that the Woolly Mammoth and Mastotron are basically the same, except that the Mastotron has an extra pot and sub switch. Is that true? Asking because... Royal Blood
  4. Oops, so sorry I posted in the wrong thread. Had multiple tabs opened and I thought this was the General Gear one. We (maybe just me) need a picture of all your GP's together, James. That has to be a rarer sight than multiple Manson's nowadays
  5. I think james sounds much better with his Ultra GP than this [YT] [/YT] Have you done anything to that new black one, james?
  6. Got my animated Still need to play around with it a bit more, but I love how clean the pedal is. I need the Voskhod now James, there's a Nando's 4 blocks from my work. Spicy chicken for lunch?
  7. The animated is still in transit. It was last scanned in an unknown location yesterday No delivery estimates or anything On another note, I think I need to shield the bass. The noise problem wasn't coming from the power supply, but the lack of shielding itself (I think). Hum goes away when I touch the strings or metal parts - that's a shielding problem, right?
  8. Yeah, it gets even weirder, because it looks like the package didn't go through an ISC facility for customs - just straight up to a USPS facility. I'll probably get it next week though, pretty happy about that. James, you going to Japan this summer for QoTSA? http://fujirock-eng.com/_news/0210_01_lineup.html
  9. The animated resurfaced (yay!) in... Stamford, CT. No idea why it would wound up there, but at least I know it's in the US and trackable. I probably need to buy a good pedal power supply soon. Got something cheap from Amazon that adds some loud noises
  10. Yeah, I thought about it and it would make more sense for me to save that money for a Kemper or something and not buy another hand-painted Zvex pedal. I only got the hand-painted Woolly Mammoth because it was $200 and came with the original box and whatnot. The Vexter version is $259 new Tracking for my Animated still hasn't updated another weekend without crazy bass fuzz :'( I even bought an LS-2 to blend it with the FFF and everything :'( (Adam has been super nice and helpful about it too so I don't really worry much. I'm just impatient)
  11. I am way too poor for this. Someone please translate this to n00b-lish. Ah, this is very, very helpful Matthjis. Thank you! I thought he used the OC-2 to make the bass sound an octave lower, but if this is the case I suppose it's for easier playability?
  12. How is it James? Hyper Muse-ic pls
  13. Oh, I had no idea that Chris switched over to the Future Impact. Whatever it is, it's probably too complicated for me to learn how to use. Guys, how do you tell if Chris sets his bass an octave down on songs? I'm assuming this is where the OC-2 comes into play right
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Akai-Deep-Impact-SB1-Synth-Bass-Processor-/172480752304?hash=item2828a76ab0:g:4PsAAOSw44BYaqpR O_o Another pedal for Crowella to crack?
  15. Woah, that's really fast. Mine was sent today Thanks so much Adam
  16. Pittsburgh is closer to me, but it's on a work night. I'm debating whether to take the train up to NY Saturday morning, see the show, get a hotel room for a night, and going home on Sunday. Going to concerts alone sucks
  17. Where's your pedal according to the tracking? Adam's gonna send mine on Monday, so I've been obsessively googling "time in Australia" to see if it's Monday his time yet
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