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Everything posted by Nicklord

  1. Some reddit subs are great even if they're big. For example /r/nba is probably the best place there now and it has 1m+ people. It's the amount of people who just pop in once or twice to say the same thing someone else said and then never come back that annoys me on /r/muse
  2. Only Pressure. They'll broadcast more in a few months
  3. Nice save with that fall. Also bass sounds really great, overall the mix is great except the crowd
  4. I just saw who got the awards. It's like they tried to pick the worst pick of every category
  5. They'll show it in a few months. 45 minutes of it probably That's what they do with World Stage shows
  6. Someone got a copy early. But it was like 5 days before the album release date. First he/she didn't do it properly so the quality was poor then someone showed him how to do it or something like that and we got a good quality after 3 hours (I think)
  7. They added Tool to Rock Werchter if anyone cares. So happy
  8. They'll announce more headliners. They never have only 4, 2018 had 7 and 2017 had 6
  9. Well I guess I'm going there for the 4th year in a row Amazing festival
  10. My bad then Reading through comments was great. I don't think my opinion of T2L changed, Resistance definitely did. I thought it was awesome and now I think it's just good
  11. I don't remember that for T2L tho
  12. Make your own copy, unless you have vinyl then fuck it
  13. It's either really amazing or really bad
  14. Someone did this on reddit as several of us noticed it's like IASIP https://streamable.com/eak8d
  15. Just google "muse pressure" and have only posts from the last 24 hours
  16. Don't hush me aaaaHHaaaAAAAaa I'l close the door myself
  17. Listened to it a bunch more times. Yeah, that riff is kinda Jack Whitey. Except for that I really don't hear any old Muse in it. It's soooo fucking fun
  18. Gotta love those "don't push meeeeee" backing vocals. Can't wait to scream those with my girliest voice at the concert
  19. I browsed through Oasis' forums. You need to queue to get the entry for sure cause a lot of people have entry without waiting also a lot of people will wait just because it's Muse and they'll know only 4 songs. That was their experience
  20. Interpol has 1 and a half amazing albums, one meh and the rest is just plain bad Their debut is still amazing, loved it on the last tour
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