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Everything posted by diamond_writer

  1. feet-761353.jpg


    Here's some feet you can smell.

  2. That's the last time I remember her saying it.

  3. Eeyup. Because I dunno, Chester on Disney 365 who is now Chester See of YT fame?

  4. My mom used to say that.

  5. :D Have you seen my ships page?
  6. Muse were on DWTS, and there was a small stage cutout for them instead of the normal stage. They were on the normal stage talking to or about Chris, and then the dream kind of forgot about them. I saw Kate and Matt in the crowd. Matt was wearing his new glitter suit. Then Muse were playing a song that I thought was Animals, but wasn't. It had the same guitar tone in the intro. I thought it was a cover,but it was a new B-side about Kate. Kate was sitting in a seat right next to where the stage ended and was smiling, then talking to Matt. He was smiling and got distracted, forgetting to sing. The song ended and BHAR Matt said he had to go pee. I got the feeling that Muse weren't liked/ forbidden. Then Matt was back and they played Explorers. DWTS wanted Dom to play, so he went to the piano and tried to play a classical piece, but messed up a lot. I was in his perspective. He got really frustrated and I, as his girlfriend, said "Brie?" and and he smiled. I put 2 packages of brie on the piano. He talked about how I had to get the good kind, which I did. End of dream.
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