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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Aww, awesome :happy:


    You too!! :D Have a Good Christmas and New Year? :awesome:

  2. :happy:


    I know the feeling, I don't have a computer :( and when I come on, I don't have the time to go through all of everybodies comments :noey: All done!! :D

    Ahhh, when you like them, they don't like you, and when they ike you, you don't like them any more :erm: *sigh* :chuckle:


    Hahah, yeaah!! :p You will see Muse!!!! I will take you, :awesome: aha!

    Thanks!! :happy:

    I can't find anyone to sing Matt Bellamy lyrics!!! :supersad: So I has two options, try doing them myself, or stealing Matt Bellamy, I know which I would rather :eyebrows: Woo!! :awesome:


    How about you, my dear? :happy:

  3. Before it goes ofc!! D: :chuckle: Not want, neeed!! I need a job! :noey:

    Aww, I know :(

    Do you not have CD stores?


    Thankyouu! :kiss:

    My Christmas was great thanks! I got my lovely bass guitar! :D Yeeeyy!! And little musey things! How about you, dear? :happy:

  4. Also, I love how we use so many faces in our conversations! :chuckle: Woo!!

  5. Oh yesss :eyebrows: Woo!! :chuckle:

    Lmaaaoo!! Yesss!!!! :D:LOL: He can be part of the cool crew! :cool:


    I hope so, I'd love to have the balls to do that :p it would be amazing! He'd be up for it! :awesome:

    I dislike having it for too long, it's rubbish!! :(


    Aww, good! :) Wooo!!! :happy: Me tooo!!!! Which one did you get? :D Yeah, mine was good, hehe! Played bass! :awesome: *pulls bass face*

  6. Thankyouu!! :happy:

    They sound awesome!! :D

    I got me bass guitar, phone, and purple ankle sized converse :D and musey things! I got the play bass with Muse book! :p Wooo!!

    A mini-fridge?! Wow!!! :D That is so cool!!!

  7. Thank youu!! Hugs for you too!! :happy:


    How are you today? :D

  8. Yes, yesss!!!! :D I love basslines! It's just like, yes!! More bass!!! :chuckle:


    I want to get a Mac Book Pro, for my music tech studies! But I need a job to pay a bit towards it! :erm: but yes, thank youu! :)


    I don't get money, I just get little things, well apart from this Christmas! :LOL: I watched TV on NewYears, it can make me cringe tbh the amount of fuss people make :p

    Nah, but Christmas was good yeah :) predicted 100% what my brothers had got me! :chuckle:

  9. Awwww, thank youu!!! :chuckle: I love the DVD!! Chris' head bobbing in it too, I love :happy:

    Your's is so cute too!! :D

  10. Ahh, I see :happy: I know how it is too! Why my reply took so long, sorry!! :(


    How was your Christmas?? :)

  11. Oooo, nice!! :happy: It's nice to experience both the big and the small, I love it! :D


    Awww, sucks! I'm glad it's gone from here, I much prefer the rain! :)


    Heard rumoured Leeds acts then? :ohmy:

  12. I love it, it's all creative!! All arty, or musicy, or filming school things when not in them :D it's awesome!!

    Ahhh bummer! Aha :p I miss break times!! It was so cool!! :chuckle:


    Woo for being excited!! :D Aww, what did you end up doing for Christmas?? :happy:

    Hehe, I have missed the boards recently, I thought the school blocked them, and almost went crazy :o was like, nooooooooooo!!!! :supersad:


    Oh, awesome! :D Ahaa, woo!

    Yess, Music Technology & Production Bsc :happy: Which I have in fact have had an offer from!!! So excited!!!! :D:dance:

    What do you do at Uni?

  13. Holidays are just awesome! :) Next up, Easter! :D

    Hahah, are they any good now you've had chance to listen to them? :p


    I was late with my shopping, hen my dad decided to open my presents for my friends :noey: I was so not impressed!

    Hahahah :chuckle: I should get waterproofs!! :p Started raining, I almost walk in to things when reading texts, then it's like, woah D:


    Have a good Christmas then? :happy:

  14. Hahah :p

    Awww, well I hope you can come over here!! :) Who knows where we will be in 3 years! You have any idea what you want to be when you're older? :happy:

  15. Ahaa, yess!! :chuckle:


    Sorry for my late reply, how have you been? :)

  16. Ahhh, yes I did!! :happy:

    Well, if they enjoy it, which I'm sure they will, they will come back!! :)


    How did it go? Did you buy a ticket? :o


    Aww haha, I hope you work out what you want!! :)

    No Problem!! :happy:


    You too!! Sorry I have taken so long to reply recently :(

  17. Wooo for strangeness!! :awesome: ahaa!

    Ahhh haha, that's awesome!! :happy: That would be my mum speaking to him!! :chuckle:

  18. Awww, me too, but was in such a need for a break D: so I came on here. Computer is buggared at home :( so I try and get on as much as I can!


    Wow!!! Awesome, where's he from?? :O Aww, that's so cuute!! :happy:

    Yeah, I'm fine thankyou!! :D


    Good Christmass?! :)

  19. Wooo, fingers crossed!! :D

    The saving up..........begins noww!! :chuckle: I shall keep it up!! 2 Seconds later, oooo.... new Muse T-shirt! :awesome:


    They are so yummyyy!! :happy:


    Sorry I'm so late :supersad: But Very Happy Christmas to you, and I hope you had an awesome new year!!! :) Also, those hats at that emotion are just.. so winn!!! :chuckle::awesome:

  20. Aww, lucky you having it snowing there in December, had too much here, I kept falling D: so clumsy, glad it's pretty much gone now though! :D

    Woo for days off!!! Although I haven't had any this year :( there is still time!! :chuckle:


    Yeah, I've been good thankyouu, how about youu??!


    Also, sorry it's late but.. Happy Christmas to you too!!! And I hope you had an awesome new year!!! :D

  21. Thankyouu!!! :happy:


    Awww, blesss!! That is adorable!! :chuckle:


    Yeeah aha! :p Ooo, me too!!! I try my best to come on when I can, although, atm, I have 3 media essays to write, and I have to plan what i'll write first, too! D: See you in a month??!

    Hmm... well, I have broken up with him since :facepalm: haha, guys just stress me out!!


    Thank you very much!! :D x


    Aww, hehe, thanks, I think I need one! :chuckle:

    You doooo? Oh, that's awesome!!!! :D:D Them live, is aaaaamazing!!! <3

    Wooo, I have one too!!!! :awesome: High Five!!


    I'm good thanks, although, a little tired :LOL: how about youuu?

  22. Ahhh, don't worry dude, I do the same, especially with not having a PC at home! D: Tis killing mee!


    Yusss :D I got SR300M :awesome: Ibanez. Hell, I hope so!! That would be so freaking awesome!! To even be compared to his epicness! :chuckle:

    Me too!!! Especially since I have a phone now, texting people all night! :p It's shocking!! I must have such huuge bags under my eyes! xD


    Ahhh, did you have a good Christmas?? :D

  23. :p

    Hahahaha!! :chuckle:

    Sounds like a plan to me :eyebrows:

    Omg, you do, and I will be so next to you, you wearing a moustasche too? Ahaaaa!! :LOL:

    I wanna wear a cowboy hat too! :o but, I would wear, everything, all tops and everything and be stashed with socks, ima be huuuuge!!! :awesome:


    Lol, I wonder what he would do if you threw him a football! Hold a sign saying, show us your skills!!! :awesome:

    Wowzaa! That's a lot! :p


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also!! :happy: Have a good time my dear? :)

  24. Wooo! I would so high-five him now! :chuckle:

    Ooooo, that's harsh D: How did it go??


    Also, as I've not been on in ages! Happy Christmas and New Year!! :happy:

  25. Hahah, I know the feeling!! But learning bass now! I feel a lot more for it! :happy: Learning all the tracks ofc ;) woo!


    Yeah, going good!! For youu?

    Sorry I haven't been on in so long :/ laptop is dead!! No longer with us D: haha!


    Good Christmas, dude? :)

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