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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Hehe! :chuckle: Woo!


    Aww, yey! Hope it works well then! :p

    Umm, not very eventful, but alright :happy: just been sat in front of the Tv to be honest! :LOL: How about youu?

  2. Haha, someone clinging on to his leg! Sorrrehhh! D: haha!

    Anything you can give to say! :p I am pretty new to it, like how do you talk to others? :facepalm: oooh, so rubbish I am! :LOL:

    Woooo! ;D


    See you next year then ;) hahah! Worth a try indeed!! :p hehe!

  3. Awwww!! :p Poor youu!!

    Woooo! :D I would like so many Musey things for christmas! :p Ima have to make a list! :chuckle:

    They call them that?! :ohmy: Let's go hit them!! xD

    Aww :happy: I shall teach you! :D woo! xxx

  4. Ahhaha, I thought he would do that too! :chuckle: Although.... I think I would have done it to him too! ;) Muaha! Take pictures of it too! :LOL:


    Have you been?? :ohmy: I so badly want to goo!

  5. Hahah, jump on his back, so so sorrryyy!!! :supersad: Giving the sad eyes! :p

    Are you any good with twitter? I am totally clueless!! :( I suck at it! :LOL: Need to know what to do!

    Woooo! Ninja's with sunglasses! Cos we are so uber cool! :cool:


    Yessss!!!! :D Let's do that, we can go in as a really tall person and split the price.. I'll just put you on my shoulders!! :awesome: haha, they wont know at all!

  6. Pleasure dear! :D *hug*

    Woooow! What a coincidence, that's mine too! That's what I had! :chuckle: Saved some for tomorrow too! Was so yummy! :awesome:


    I may put bits of my art up or whatever! Or maybe deviant art! You have to minimise the resolution of everything on here :( but if you ever go on DA again, maybe you could see then when I finish! :)

  7. Tis indeed! I swear one of my friends if going to punch me square in the face for the amount I poke them sometimes! xD

    Uuuuurgh, go away school! Give me another week off! D:

  8. They will have to do some at least I hope! :) A whole year without concert or festival! I think that they will already have the ideas for new songs! ^^


    Ooo, history! I was rubbish at history! :p I have masses of art to do! Mainly research! :/

  9. I'd probably, stand near the goal, if the ball comes close... boot it back to the other side :awesome: wooo! I would also hope not to whack poor Chris in the head! D: I'd feel so so bad!! >< Hahah!

    Ninja skills ftw! :ninja::cool:


    Come with me! :p we shall see Foo Fighters some day!! :supersad:

  10. Lmao! :chuckle, yes exactly! Slightly scary, I think I would have to stare pack and give him the eyebrow :p

    Of course it does!!! :D Wooo! Anything would be alright! :happy: haha.


    My dad likes to go to some of the historical places, which is really quite interesting to be honest!! Learning of history of islands. I still need to go skiing!!! :( Never been! On my to do list! :)

  11. Yeeesss! <3

    Aww, how come it was sold?! :(


    Oh, that must really suck!! :( what computer do you have? or what programmes do you use? :)

  12. Ahh :/ haha!

    Ooo! Brilliant!! >: ) I just have a sub machine gun for me to poke people with.. it's great fun! ;)

  13. Loads of my friends are going to spookyworld this year. Just going round a maze, seems quite boring to me, no matter how spooky or scary it may be!

    Awww!! :chuckle:

    I haven't, but my auntie and uncle live out there! :) Hope to go out there again soon tbh! :happy:

  14. Oo, niice! :D that is such a good idea! :awesome:


    Oh yey! I'd love to see it! :happy:

    what's your favourite pizza? :p

    I have art work to do, so I can draw! I'm doing prints at the minute though! :) Oh that's good! :D It's good when you actually enjoy your work! :happy:

  15. At least you went though!! :ohmy: I wish I could have come! :p I shall have to wait for next year!

    Aww, still would be nice! :) I used to love the lights at Blackpool too, going on the trams when they were all lit up! Was awesome!! :happy:

  16. Oh, don't worry! :happy: It's no problem!

    Wow! That sounds pretty cute!! :D Not sad to me, sounds fun! ^ ^

    Oh, nice! What have you chosen? :)


    Wooo! :chuckle:

    Oh good! :) I seem to be doing something similar most days!! :LOL: Can't help it!


    Yeah I'm fine thank you! :D Ordering in pizza tonight! :cool: Woo! How about you deear?

  17. I think it's such a laugh when you are with your friends, but I think things are worse than they actually aare when I first see them! :p

    Awww! :chuckle:

    I only went the once on the way back from a holiday! :/ yeah, but it was quite good for the one stop :) awww, I haven't been!! :( I really want to though!


    Yeeeeeyyy! :awesome:

  18. Ahhh, I love the rain :happy: and the noise it makes! <3

    Haha! :p I have this year and then I go to University! :D

    You don't have halloween... aww that sucks! :( I like it cos I can dress up! And be allowed to be strange! :chuckle: Me and my friends go out and pick a place and cover it in glow sticks, no idea why, but it looks nice! Halloween is the day before I go back to school :( someones gonna have fun trying to get me out of bed :awesome::LOL:

    Holidays... should be holidays! :p No work!

  19. Aww, what have you done? Yeeey! :happy:


    I can't wait to see Muse again! I miss them! :( D'you think they'll do many gigs next year?

  20. I had only heard of Chopin's Nocturne before Matt, it gives me so many more pieces to have a go at! I wish I had a real piano!! :supersad: I have a little Yamaha keyboardy thing. I'm just going to go and steal one of his :p he won't mind!


    My pleasure! :) ahh yes, I could see! But it was cute with such bright eyes! I wish I had better knowledge of photo manipulation! :( But I can't run the programme on my laptop! My laptop doesn't like most programmes :/

  21. I don't think of Kate aproving :LOL: but I would love that tooo! It would be brilliant!! :happy: I would pay money if I could.. but unfortunately I don't think I have enough to sway it! :p

    Oh wow!! :D That's awesome! I've never been to one! My family aren't as much of a lover of top gear as me :chuckle: That's going to be fantastic! :awesome:

    Maybe some day you will live over here! :) I'm still waiting to go down to London, I really need to go! :/

  22. Oohhhh! :p ahh okay! It's great fun! Fashion I imagine to be interesting! Would be good fun too! :happy:

    I think Matt watching you like a monkey would be a bit daunting at first, like hide under covers... omg am i really here.. kinda like... yey :awesome: but then also scared as he is looking at you like a monkey O.0


    Wow! Was it like amazing though?? :ohmy: I usually go to Turkey or this year we went to Crete, booked less than a week before we went.. I honestly thought we weren't going, but my dad decides it's best that way!

  23. Ahh, jooin the club! It is a lot more fun this way though ;)

    I just mentioned the floor and ohhh... it's rape! :chuckle: and then both at the same time... I think that would be no longer rape? ;) Am I right?


    Aww, I was gonna say.. I bet he's a good dad :happy: It's the sense of humour that get's me :chuckle: I love the sarcasm!

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