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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Whoa! Is it just me or has this year just gone really fast!?

    Not too great tbh :erm: Everybody goe's on holidays to nice hot sunny places and refuse to take me in their suitcases! :'( It's so boring staying in rainy Britain :indiff:

    What have you been up to in the summer holidays?? :)

  2. Good good thanks :happy: Seems like ages since we last spoke! How are you?? :)

  3. I know, (personally, i think he's jealous, i would be :ninja::chuckle: ) Pippin is great!! I find him and Merry both hilarious!!! :LOL: And i love Sam because he's just so loyal and everything :happy:

    I have no idea :LOL:

    I've been sorting out where to put the posters in my new room, which is really difficult because i have quite a few posters for the size of room!!! :rolleyes: How about you??? :)

  4. He's like my teenage hero :LOL: And yeah!!! :D They were just kinda standing there and then wham!!!! :D I wouldn't have minded me being there instead of Billy Boyd for a few seconds there!!! :LOL: Billy Boyd is adorabubble!!! :happy: I also love Elijah Wood (Frodo) His eyes are HUGE!!!! :D

    Oh thayt sucks, but still, twenty seconds is better than no time at all!!! :yesey:

    Nope, everybody has gone on holiday and i'm definately not going to go stalking on my own!!!! :LOL:

  5. Nawww!!!! :happy: That's so sweet :D

    It's Aragorn and yep he is, i secretly have a huge crush on him :LOL: It's a really good film, and i've just realised that the colour i last posted in was really boring!!!:LOL:

    I've been wondering if i should go and see that, but i'd have to go with friends because neither of my parents would take me to see it because it's not their kind of film :rolleyes:

    How have you been??? :)

  6. Be strong!!!! :D It'll be fine but i bet there will be a bit of awkwardness!!!! :LOL: I've been riding a lot, and eating A LOT of food!!! :D We're meant to have a family BBQ this weekend which should be fun if the weather holds off!!!! :rolleyes: Have you heard of a band called ACDC??? :happy:

  7. Kayaking sounds sooo fun!!! I'd love to go :D So are you definately going to go or are you not sure??? :)

  8. Paranoid Android or Reckoner depending on my mood
  9. No worries, i do the same all the time :rolleyes:

    Yeah, i think their deifinately worth it to help the horse or pony feel more comfortable :happy:

    Yeah, i rode at my riding stables a couple of days ago and the pony i was on wanted to bolt across the field but he didn't and then everytime we went for a little canter he started bucking!!! :rolleyes: A bit annoying, but fun :chuckle:

    Thanks, that's Misty, he's the best pony i think i've ridden in the whole world!!! :D He's so speedy and feisty :happy:

    Oh bless him, but at least you get to have a lesson on him once it's all sorted :happy:

    I've been begging my parents to let me have a mustang gelding, but they aren't too keen :$ But i really want one though!!! :D

    Have you seen the film Hidalgo??? :)

  10. Oh that sounds awesome, well not the falling off part!!! :LOL: He sounds really cute :happy: The pony i was on this week wanted to bolt across the field with me but luckily i stopped him!!!! :rolleyes: So any plans for the weekend??? :)

  11. Sorry i haven't replied for ages, i'm hopeless :rolleyes:

    I feel so sorry for you :kiss:

    So have you seen him this past week then??? :D And no, but i watched Hidalgo on sunday and cried like five times :chuckle::$

  12. Sorry i haven't replied, i'm so useless when it comes to stuff like this :LOL: That song is awesome!!! :awesome: I definately agree with you over that guitar riff :yesey: Have you heard of a band called The Killers? This is one of their songs

  13. Lot's of stuff really :rolleyes:

    I used to run around shops and everything in my Princess Jasmine costume, i would never do that now!!! :LOL:

    Oh that sucks :( But do you think you'll be able to see him next week??? :)

    Nothing much really, i'm just gonna laze around the house :happy: You??? :D

  14. Haha, don't worry :happy:

    Oh bless him :( The ground over here is really dry too :( It's horrible because we can barely do anything when we ride :mad:

    I tried out a little appaloosa ages ago who had a treeless saddle because he was changing shape so much, and it felt rather odd at first, but it was actually rather comfortable!! :LOL: I can't remember it that much because i was only 11 or something at the time :chuckle: But i know a couple of people who have treeless saddles and they say they are really good :happy:

    I've been alright :happy: I was going to ride on Sunday but the person who has been looking after the pony forgot to leave the keys so i couldn't get the saddle and bridle out so i rode the pony bareback for a bit just so i got to ride and then she was getting ready to buck so i had to get off :( Typical stroppy mare :noey:

    How have you been??? :D

  15. In primary a girl in the year above me had to go around all day with a brush hanging in her hair because she was brushing her hair on the bus back from swimming :chuckle:

    No, i want to but i just haven't had the time :erm: This first week of the holidays has been busy, and VERY confusing :rolleyes: I used to be obsessed with it!!! :LOL: I had a Princess Jasmine costume and everything :rolleyes::chuckle:

    It's difficult to explain but it's about this girl and a boy who want to kill eachother the first time they meet because the Gods (like all the Greek gods and stuff) put a curse on them to make them hate eachother, but they get over it and end up falling in love and stuff :happy: It's very sweet :D

    I have done barely anything but i have a mate coming round today so that should be good fun :happy: Got any plans for meeting up with Liam??? :D

  16. Good good :happy: I've tried it before, one of the twigs got stuck in my hair, i ended up having to cut a little bit out before i was able to get it free!!! :rolleyes: Disney films ftw!! :awesome: I will forever love Aladdin!! :rolleyes: My friend plays drums, she's hoping to get a new set sometime soon :) I bought this amazing new book called Starcrossed so i've been reading that almost non-stop!!! :D What have you been up to??? :)

  17. Yay!!! :D Group dates can be good fun, at least if there is ever an awkward moment you have other people around you to kinda go to when it gets awkward :chuckle: Yeah!! :LOL: I could stick leaves in my hair and twigs on my arms :LOL::rolleyes: Yeah, it was just like awkward city central!!!! :rolleyes: Colour is good, i'm going through a colour phase at the moment when it comes to clothes :happy: I'm hoping to watch a lot of films and go riding, we have a family BBQ coming up sometime soon so that should be interesting :rolleyes: You??? :)

  18. Whoa!!! :shocked: He's a bit clingy isn't he!?! :LOL: How do you know eachother??? :) And nope, i wouldn't mind it, I just can't be asked to set up an account!!! :LOL:

  19. ZOMG!!! So your going out with him now!?! That is awesome, how exactly did it all happen??? And i might if i go down to my mates house and then casually walk around not stalking him at all!!! :LOL: Well i spent the best part of the day with him today and yeah, there was awkwardness on so many levels!!! :rolleyes: Oh and sorry about the colour, i just felt like bringing some colour into every message i write to people!!! :D

  20. I just go on the museboard and listen to new music on youtube and yeah, although a lot of the time i'll just sit there and watch a film!!! :D Talking guys who like us but we don't like them, i just spent the whole day with the guy who likes me!!! Full of awkward moments :$

  21. Same, i love the Ultraviolet song!! It just makes me wanna dance around the house in a slightly mental way!!!! :LOL::rolleyes: Ooh la laa!!! :D Actually i have that same issue with one of my mates and plus he's best friends with the guy i actually do fancy so yeah, very awkward :$ I sit on the computer all day most days :LOL: It's so much more funt han going outside in the rain :indiff:

  22. That sucks :( And it's really a guilty pleasure of mine!!! :D It makes me feel all girly and stuff, it's such a fun film!!! :LOL: How have you been today??? :)

  23. I've done that before, no worries :D Oh that sucks :( You could just casually jump on some random horse in a field?? :LOL: The weather over here is pretty crap tbh!!! :erm: It's meant to be summer but it feels more like autumn, although today was good :D How about where you are?? :) Oh and have you seen a film called Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging??? :happy:

  24. Hey no worries :D I'm good and yeah i did :( Although i wish i hadn't, i find summer hols really boring tbh :erm: I swear i always ask this but yeah, hows you and Liam??? :eyebrows:

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