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Everything posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. It's not fair, stupid cinema age rating stuff.


    I love Disney films! Bolt is cool (:




    :supersad: will you have Internet?!

    Get her email as soon as you can! Or her number!


    :awesome::( I dont think anyone I know left this year,


    :awesome::chuckle: mine's still the same style too, but I had it trimmed a bit ;)


    It was quite good but the final battle lasted way too long :indiff: it seemed like it lasted 40 minutes!

    :happy: thanks:

    He set up a camera to record them, they were great! :)


    Alton Towers was amazing! I chickened out of Oblivion when I saw how big it was :noey: we went on something called Hex, which is an illusion ride so it makes it look like the room's turning upside down. Went on Rita Queen Of Speed, a VERY fast rollercoaster! It did like 0-80mph in 2 seconds! I screamed like a little girl! Then we went on the Rapids, got a bit wet, then went on Air! The worlds first flying coaster! That was my favourite ride of the day, we got front row too! Then went on Duel, a scary ghost train thing that you shoot zombies on! That did actually scare me, zombies jumped out :LOL: I was sat on the back row with Liam, just me and him, so I kept edging towards him when I screamed and got scared :LOL:

    The final couple of rides of the day were The Flume, and Battle Galleons! The Flume's 3 drops were quite pathetic tbh. The biggest drop was tiny! But we did get drenched on it! And the last ride Battle Galleons was where you rode round on Pirate ships and squirted everyone. (it was a little kiddie ride :LOL:) but we did enjoy it and got drenched on that too!

    So overall it was a great day!


    How was your Sunday watching cricket? :happy:


    Love you!


  2. :)


    :eek: it's a 15+ here :'(



    :) it always reminds me of the film Bolt :D

    :chuckle: I'm not smart after 6 weeks of doing nothing! :)


    We usually have assemblies in the main hall, which has seats, but when there's exams they take away the seats for all the desks so we use the gym. Sitting cross legged for 25mins does hurt sometimes :chuckle:

    :D any chance you'll see her over Summer?


    :) this year has actually turned out great compared to other ones!


    :awesome: I had a hair cut last thursday! How short are you going? Have fun! :)


    I saw Transformers: Dark of the Moon today! Tomorrow Alton Towers! Oh and it was my brothers Prom last night! :') his band played so they did 7 songs, including Hysteria and SMBH for the encore! :D


    Love you!


  3. (: I didn't make that picture "/ my brother sent it to me :noey: so I don't think I'd be able to send it in "/

    Thanks (:




    I'm not old enough to get into it :chuckle: Wikipedia is a very handy website!



    :D confuzzled or discombobulated :D

    :chuckle: I remember on my first day in set 1 (after 6 weeks of summer) my teacher asked me "what's 8 squared?" I had a mind bland so I replied "what's squared sir?" :facepalm: embarrassing... :LOL:




    I've never actually seen Borat, just little clips of it! I love messing around in music! Urg assemblies are pointless most of the time :indiff:

    Awwwh! How did she react after the hug? :eyebrows:


    We were back at school unfortunalety :(

    But our tutor group did win a free trip bowling a week on Wednesday! :D


    Any weekend plans? :happy:


    Love you!


  4. :happy:


    Well, I'm not sure tbh :noey: neither if us has done anything about it :( he's been flirting a bit more though, and whenever someone mentions that he fancies me he goes all red and usually hits them round the head with something :chuckle:

    We're going on a school trip to Alton Towers on Sunday so on the way back on the bus I wanna sit with him, act all tired and rest my head on his shoulder, I'll see how he reacts to that ;) oh and there's this trip to Disneyland Paris with Science next year, Liam keeps trying to convince me to go. He's said to me "oh we'd have a great time! Paris is the most romantic city in world!"

    So I dont know what's happening! :LOL:

    How's Connor? :eyebrows:

  5. That's okay :happy: I'm great thanks!


    What have you been up to?? :happy:

  6. I want to enter the competition too! I'm not a good designer though :supersad:




    Lol! I loooove Rob Swire <3



    I'll remember! That looks so funny :D I haven't seen the first one yet either :chuckle:


    I dont think I'll be able to go :noey: I can't afford it!

    :chuckle: it should be in the dictionary! We say it all the time! :D

    :) I do have a small brain :noey: I have no idea why in top sets!



    :LOL: that sounds so fun! Water fights are ace! Especially in school :yesey:


    Had a great day thanks! We all went to the park again, so usual stuff!


    How was your last day? :)


    Love you!


  7. I wanna go now so bad!

    yay! Muse will play me their Reading set in heaven :yesey:




    I love carvery's :) they're awesome :awesome:




    I didn't watch Kaiser Chiefs, just Pendulum :chuckle: Rob Swire has an awesome goatee, or "Chin Minge" as Jonathan Ross calls it :LOL:


    :) we have Thurday off because the teachers are going on strike! Is your birthday the end of July? I know it's around that time ;) what movie are you hoping to see? :)


    Had a good day thanks! Found out I have my favourite teacher for History next year and I'm with most of my friends! Oh and we found out today that there's a science trip to Paris soon! It's quite cheap as well! £200 for 4 day Disneyland Paris tickets, Disney hotel for 4 days, travel and food! All that for £200 is a bargain! Liam asked me if I was going, I said I wasn't sure because I didn't know who else would go, he replied "oh I'd go with you!" :stunned: then he said "Paris is the most romantic city in the world! You have to go!" :eek: I was very confuzzled :LOL: then today was the first time he gave me a hug before he went home :confused: it's all too much for my smallish brain! :LOL:


    How was your day?


    Love you!


  8. :chuckle:


    :noey: yeah I did. It was very hard but I did, he'd been looking forward to seeing them for months then a couple of days before my dad was going to book tickets, we found out about Muse's special Reading performance. My dad asked us which one to book tickets for, my bro said Reading because he knew how important it was to me! I said Metallica because he was going to give them up for me. So I've sacrificed my chance of seeing Muse at Reading :'( Hopefully I'll go to Muse Heaven for doing that :LOL:


    :D yeah it was! I enjoyed the actual movie too!


    :happy: a little carvery place called "The Parish Oven" it was very nice!


    :happy: what else did you do in Rotterdam? :)


    I saw them! They were amazing tonight! Way better than their performance at Download! It only took Rob Swire one attempt to sing witcraft this time! :chuckle:


    :LOL: ¿Que?


    Any plans this week?


    Love you!


  9. :)


    My brother used to do German, it sounded to complex :chuckle: "ziz is mai kitchen" :LOL:




    :happy: I'd give anything to go! I gave up Muse so my brother could see Metallica! :noey:


    :chuckle: I made it seem like I wanted to go to watch the film :chuckle:


    :happy: we went out for a meal with my nan and grandad today! A late birthday meal for my Grandad :yesey:


    How was your Sunday? :)


    ¡Gracias mi amigo!


    Love you!


  10. :chuckle: I think I'm gonna be forced to go on Oblivion first, (It's was worlds first vertical drop coaster!)


    I knew I spelt it wrong! :chuckle:

    Thanks! Are you good at German?


    :D I shall watch Pendulum :yesey:


    :yesey: I'm deffo staying up till 1am to watch their Reading performance!



    :unsure::$ yeah :LOL:


    :indiff: it's midnight and they're still partying! I think it's this boys 18th birthday or something, :) thanks!


    :chuckle: sounds like a good Sarurday!


    Sleep well too Jack!


    Love you!


  11. :D


    :chuckle: it's been engraved in my head all week!


    :happy: I'm gonna go on a pwoper rollercoaster, I'm scared :LOL:

    :eek: I never thought of that! I don't know what I'd do :'(


    :supersad: because I've been given Spanish it gives me a greater chance of getting a good job when I'm older, I think if you get good English, Maths, Science and Language grades then you get something called a Bacaloria which helps you in some way :confused:


    I forgot about it! I heard Pendulum are playing? Or am I mistaken?


    :D I remember when I stayed up till 1am to watch Muse at Glastonbury! I can't believe that was a year ago!


    My Saturday was cool thanks :) been to the cinema today to see the Green Lantern! It was good! Especially because the main character was played by Ryan Reynolds! Ryan Reynolds= Gorgeous <3 :LOL: then I went shopping and bought Lady Gaga's new album along with some dark blue skinny jeans! :awesome:


    There's a party going on behind us so I cant sleep :(


    How was your Saturday?


    Love you!


  12. :awesome: oh it's amazing! My favourite line in the film:

    Graeme: How can I understand you? Are you using some sort of translator?

    Paul: actually I'm speaking English you f*cking idot! :LOL:

    you NEED to see it! :D






    :chuckle: I thought you would've heard it before :chuckle it's a good song imo :)


    Had a good and bad Friday :( good becuse we all found out we've been invited to go to Alton Towers with Mr Kirkwoods tutor next Sunday! I've decided that on the bus on the way home (about 8 or 9pm) im gonna sit with Liam, act really tired then rest my head on his shoulder :chuckle::yesey:

    It was bad because we got our Year 10 option forms back :noey: I didn't get GCSE Music :'( I got stupid Spanish instead :'(

    I forgot it was on actually, I might watch it, depends who's on though ;)


    What did you do today?


    Love you!


  13. Hi!

    We haven't spoken for a little while :supersad: how are you?

  14. :awesome:

    I haven't seen the Kings Speech yet, we also got my dad Paul :D



    He'll find out in a few weeks! They must like him at Halfords 'cause that was his second interview!



    :noey: same here, rain rain and more rain!


    :supersad: awwh! Are you feeling any better?


    Pretty good thanks! Had double Table Tennis for P.E!! I love table tennis!

    Ive become addicted to the song Hero by Enrique Iglesias! :chuckle: "I can be your hero baby, I can can kiss away the pain, I will stand by you forever, you can take my breath away." I just love it so much <3


    What did you do at home today while you were off? :)


    Love you!


  15. :happy:


    :awesome: I got him some of his favourite aftershave! :D what did you buy your dad?

    :awesome: I love cashew nuts, I love jelly beans too! :D I have skullcandy headphones :D I have some of the over ear ones, I use them for my keyboard, and I have the in ear ones :)


    A job at Halfords selling and fixing bikes ;)

    :chuckle: I hope I didn't, I don't think I kick very hard :LOL:

    The park is awesome :yesey:


    :supersad: lucky! Still nearly a month here :(


    Was it the first day of Summer today? It's apparently the longest day of the year!


    Usual day again thanks :) Science, Maths, Spanish, English, Tutor, RE and History! So pretty boring! :)


    How was your day?


    Love you!


  16. :happy: thanks




    :chuckle: beginning of last year I think


    :yesey: my perfume's called Music :D




    It's fathers day here as well :):awesome: what did she bring you? :) sounds fun!


    I didn't do that much today, we couldnt go out for a fathers day meal because my brother had a job interview ;) so I went to the park with Hollie, Lea, Liam and Bryony! :D I kicked Liam in the stomach by accident when he pushed me on a swing :noey::chuckle: oh and I flew off of one of those things you run at, grab and swing on 3 times! I ended up hitting my head pretty hard on the floor then had a laughing fit while I was laying on the ground :LOL:


    Anything interesting going on this weekend? :)


    Love you


  17. :yesey::) I did my exams, think I've failed one of them because I guessed nearly every one :noey: I hope I've done well on the other two!


    :'( more than a month away :'(


    :yesey: they had to redo most of the carpets :noey:


    :LOL: I have to spray it with perfume :happy:





    My Friday was okayish again thanks! :happy: didn't do much, just exams ;)

    How was your Friday? And how was your Saturday? :D any Sunday plans? :)


    Love you!


  18. :yesey: in my opinion they do! Im actually not sure tbh ;)


    :vomit: im actually doing quite well on genetics :chuckle:


    Oh lol i dont think we break up until about half way through or near the end of July!


    :eek: i remember our school flooded once because of the rain, they were emptying the water out with buckets for 2 days!


    :happy: thanks! The only problem with my hat is that when it gets wet, it smells like sheep in a field :LOL: awwh thanyou Jack! :kiss:

    I'll try my best to explain, it wont be a very good description though :LOL: well there were about 5-7 rows of seats all in a circle, which span round and went upside down and stuff, all the seats were attatched to a massive pole in the middle, you know those pirate boat ride things that swing backwards and forwards? It was like that but instead of just backwards amd forwards it went 360degrees, so the whole ride went ulside down and so did your seat. About half way through the ride it just stops at the top and spins slowly round, then it gets faster and starts going upside down again, so you get very dizzy! :LOL: sorry if you didnt understand a word of that, i didnt know how to explain :chuckle:


    Had an okay day thanks! Revising mainly!

    How was your day?


    Love you!


  19. Hi! Sorry i didnt reply to your last message! I'm okayish thanks, got 3 science exams tomorrow so im freaking out :chuckle: how's you?

    Im still thinking and im stuck! :noey: imma talk to Heather tomorrow to see if she has any info from him ;)


    What have you been up to? :)

  20. Here's a few photos ;)


    [spoiler="Download Festival 2011]5836635334_32927f09cd.jpg

    Waiting for Escape The Fate!



    Escape The Fate!



    Setting up Avenged Sevenfold's stage!



    M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold!



    This would've been a good photo if the camera pole wasn't in the way!! :indiff:



    Me and Hollie during Avenged Sevenfold! Hollie looks a bit tired, she looks a bit stoned :LOL: do you like my awesome racoon hat? I have A7X! Written on my cheek!



    The main stage!



    Me and Hollie on our way to a massive ride! I was terrified! It went upside down and span round loads of times! I went on the ride twice though, I actually enjoyed it!



    The ride! No one else went on it!



    Muse hoody during Korn!!



    Jonathan Davis from Korn just before he got his bagpipes out! Second Stage


  21. I want to see Pendulum again in an arena! They sound a lot better :yesey:




    Thanks! :) I think I'm on genetic engineering, but i can't remember! :LOL:


    You finish school on July 1st? :eek:

    I have 2 more years!! :'(


    Just school ;) was gonna go to the park with some friends but it chucked it down so we had to cancel! :(


    I'll post some pictures on a separate post ;)


    Love you!


  22. :happy:


    Pebdulum weren't as food as when i saw them in Nottingham :noey: the sound quality wasnt very good and Rob wasn't singing very well :noey: he had to try to sing "its in your eyes, a colour fade out, looks like, a new transition" about 5 times to get it right!


    I actually dont remember what they were like :chuckle: i remembet watching a couple of their songs ;)



    :supersad: ok, :)


    I take triple science so we do physics, chemistry and biology ;) its my biology exams on friday! :(


    What have you been up to today?


    Love you!


  23. Most maths is pointless! All we need to know is how to add, subtract, times and divide! Every other maths topic is crap :yesey:


    Ok, thanks! :happy: i need to have a long hard think about it, i ask him, wait for him to ask me, or just stay friends!


    :awesome: i NEED to see Linkin Park live!

  24. :)


    :happy: better as friends than nothing at all :happy:


    :D they were all at Download except the ones you mentioned ;)

    We didny get chance to see Def Leppard :'( Pendulum we're playing at the same time so my dad and brother wanted to see them again! The Pretty Reckless were on the main stage ;) i loved being so close to the front! It was an amazing experience!

    I did take so good pictures! Ill post them when i have some more time! Ive uploaded some videos to youtube as well!


    :happy: i have the dentist tomorrow! My final check up! :dance:


    :supersad: i really dont know! If he did ask me id still be really shocked! Then i dont know! It'd be a hard decision!

    Ok ;) i need to have a big think about it!


    Ive not done much today actually, just school and revising science!


    Love you!


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