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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. There's been at least one regular male PMT, and I definitely know of quite a few males posting in there sporadically, though not recently. Sorry. Though this is probably the only pornogenic thread with PREGNANT male members. Chris is potent.
  2. Thank you! :happy:

  3. Hey you! Greetings from Twitter/LJ. :D

  4. so a couple nights ago, in a dream, I walked into Matt rapping. It was terrible, but I actually laughed so hard I woke up. And then fell back asleep and kept dreaming.
  5. She's reportedly 5'6", which is a bit shorter than Matt supposedly is. In most pics he's taller than her, except when she wears heals. Anyway, haven't been here in awhile. Finals week, crunching down on studying. Just popping in for a bit.
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