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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. I'm just saying this as a obsessive PMTer/MMer that almost never goes into Banter even to lurk… In my mind at least, it's not about how much you love Muse. I can't even explain how much I love them, and I honestly think that this is what true love feels like. It's about perspective. It's about realizing that at the end of the day, Muse are just another band. Complete unadulterated obsession honestly annoys the fuck out of people who don't give a damn. I'm not just talking about my Muse obsession here; this is actually the main reason I find it so difficult to talk to my parents because they literally don't speak about anything but their respective obsessions (yeah it runs in the family, lol). So even though yeah, I enjoy it here because it gives me the opportunity to talk about Muse as much as I please, I still tend to shy away from complete addicts who can't see Muse doing any wrong. well rant over, Back on topic (whut?) I've been dreaming a lot the past two weeks of people mocking me that I can't go to Reading and/or Leeds or Lolla to see Muse this summer, in a different way each night. (although last night I dreamed I finished my essay and woke up to realize I still had a page left. )
  2. Well, he'll have to get one eventually…don't want him looking like this now…At least, I don't. Adding that to my list. Thanks! If anyone else wants to contribute?
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