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Everything posted by Luigi.

  1. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  2. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  3. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  4. Definitely.:awesome:

    Maybe they could do a jam of RATM and Muse riffs.


    Haha it did.


    Damn Doris made me send my message twice.

  5. Definitely.:awesome:

    Maybe they could do a jam of RATM and Muse riffs.


    Haha it did.

  6. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  7. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  8. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  9. Happy Birthday! :awesome:

  10. I've never actually them live.:$

    Yeah it'll fun to watch.


    The trailer for the fifth Final Destination film came out recently,looks average but tempted to watch it still.



    On a random note,don't you hate it when you think you killed an annoying fly,but then five minutes later it comes back.:chuckle:

  11. You're welcome.:D

  12. You're welcome.:D

  13. No problem.:happy:

  14. That's good to hear that they became the official opposition in this election.

    Yeah same here,I agree with Democrats and Republicans sometimes.

    Can't wait for this Sunday.

    Shame that I can't go to see Rage and Muse in LA.At least I'll get to see them on youtube.

  15. Happy Birthday! :party:

  16. Happy Birthday! :party:

  17. Happy Birthday! :party:

  18. Happy Birthday! :party:

  19. Happy Birthday! :party:

  20. Ah I see.Do you support that political party or a different one?

    Excited to see what the setlist is going to be like tonight.:D

  21. Happy Birthday! :party:

  22. Happy Birthday! :party:

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