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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. Come to think of it, I really didn't listen to a lot of Tool as of a late.

    It's average. It has a few great tracks (Seperator and Codex), but iunno. Just doesn't do that much for me.


    Most of the people I care about weren't around either way, so I just stayed at home and did nothing. But dear lord, I'm not looking forward to school. At all, man.

    I'm just a depressed twat as of a late. Well, I've always been, but it's worse nowadays. :LOL: It's bad as it is, I don't need exams and cynical teachers to top it all.


    The show had fantastic characters, great humour and a phenomenal storyline. Favourite cartoon by far. Are you getting the comics? They are somewhat of a continuation of the third season.


    The White Stripes bore me. Iunno why. They just don't do much for me.

    Oh, I like Sublime. They're good. Not phenomenal, but good.


    D'you know Fugazi?

  2. Oh dear, did I really write that much? :LOL:

  3. Oh well. At least you get to see one of 'em I mean, Tool put up a massive lightshow if you look at all the youtube videos floating around.

    Radiohead. I dunno if their newer songs are any good live, so whatever. (:


    School's a twat, starts again this monday and kicking off with exams and stuff. Woo.

    My break... Dude, I'm the most useless pile of shit right now. No, seriously, I just stay in my room and watch cartoons, occasionally playing bass or reading Lord of the Rings. It's actually quite sad.


    I'm way more excited than I should be. just love that show too much, great characters, nice story and fantastic animation (especially towards the end of each season. I'm still having multiple artgasms during Sozin's comet :LOL:)


    Err, music-wise, not much new stuff, actually. I bought records by Sky Larkin and Filter but they really didn't do anything for me. Delphic and Polinski are some electronic artists you might want to look into. Really getting into Post-Hardcore as of a late. Converge, At The Drive-In, stuff like that, but I don't think their your cup of tea.

    You might want to look into American Football, if you haven't already. Oh, and Manchester Orchestra.


    I should get into some new music, come to think of it.

  4. How are things besides? Now that break has ended and stuff.

    Oh, and new Avatar episodes mid-summer! =D

  5. wait


    fuck's sake

    you lucky twat :LOL:


    have a good time, man. (:

  6. That's true. I deactivated my Facebook account a while ago, that might be the reason. :LOL:

    Err, not much either, to be honest. Just enjoying the last few days of Christmas break, I guess. (:

  7. Homestuck is getting weirder

    and weirder

    and what is even happening now seriously

  8. Have you got skype or msn or anything like that? I'd like to talk to you again, we hardly ever do ever since the ymt's death

  9. Ohohoh I see I just ignored your last message. :\

    Merry christmas to you too dudy!

    Haven't talked in ages.

    How have you been?

  10. aaah boards of canada and all that cal? neat.

  11. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck they're good

  12. Errr, I don't think they're your cup of tea.


    Oh dear :\ Yeah, bands tend to leave out the southern hemisphere, innit.

  13. Not much. Missing out on a lot of good gigs as of a late, mainly due to hockey or my parents being cross. (Those being ASIWYFA, Opeth and Kvelertak). You?

  14. Well, fuck this. I can't go to Opeth either. My team's got a hockey match in the middle of nowhere that night. ._.

  15. Fuck man

    asiwyfa gig tomorrow

    can't go


  16. Haven't heard it yet, but I love Blackwater Park, My Arms Your Hearse and Morningrise.

  17. Going to see Kvelertak live in December. Maybe even Opeth, if I get the money together 'til then.

  18. Aaaaaah you wrote the reply on your own profile. That's why I never got it. :LOL:


    Either way, how are you?

  19. Iunno. I don't even listen to that much heavy music as of a late. Really rediscovered trip-hop. :happy:

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