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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. I just invested like two hours into that crap and I'm slowly 'getting' it! =D

    Yeah. I'm terribly afraid of the huge exams by the end of this prep. :\


    I guess I am. I mean, just the general angst and all that but it could be a lot worse so whatevverrr.

    How's you?

  2. I just burned my download of The Pax Cecilia and listened to it on the stereo, for the first time in ages.


  3. iunno. when it comes to all of this science stuff

    i like

    hit this wall and my brain goes all like 'nope'

    and i can't help it. :\


    also i mix up equations and rules and whatnot as soon as the exam starts. it's ridiculous.

  4. oh god i'm fucking up maths tomorrow

    like so bad

    augh ;_;

    really shouldn't because i'm already doing bad in two other subjects and shit



  5. oh

    saw this too late

    sorry darling <3


    1/3 exams down.

  6. IKR! it's at a festival so it cost quite a bit of quid but man i'm looking forward to that.


    I spaff way too much over the bassings.

  7. I'll see Sigur Ros though so I'm all good

  8. they're not big over here, really.

  9. ;____________________________________;

  10. Oh well :\


    It's okay. I think I get it now.


    La Dispute are very whiny, but man they're fantastic when you're in the mood.

    ALSO listen to Death From Above 1979. Sexy drums and sexy basslines. They're kinda like The White Stripes if Jack was a bassist and Meg even remotely good at drumming.

  11. Do so.


    Chris is drowning in revision. And most if it swallows him in a slow and painful way. So much chemistry and maths and stuff I don't get ;_;


    Also have you heard of American Football and/or La Dispute? They're very good.

  12. Where are you

    Mel I want to talk to you

    I really do ;_;

  13. Portishead? Start anywhere, really. All records are solid work, but all of them need some time to get into. Considering the fact that Third's my favourite, try that one. But yeah, takes some time to get used to.


    That being said, check out Unkle. Their album 'Psyence Fiction' is pretty good. A lot of great guest musicians too, f.e. Thom Yorke or the Beastie Boys. Also, DJ Shadow's Endtroducing is somewhat of a masterpiece.

  14. What're you studying?


    Man, do want. I might die in awe if I saw Luca or Jesus.

  15. waiiiiiiiiiit. you saw brand new?



  16. Any other communication methods?

  17. Shaun Of The Dead may or may not be one of the best films ever.


    I'll just watch cartoons. Manly.


    You should get a Skype because I said so.

  18. is your username a homestuck reference, by any chance?

  19. Have you seen Scott Pilgrim? You're like a real life Wallace Wells. =D


    It does suck. But things could be worse. I'll get over it, sooner or later.

    It's still saddening, though. She's cute, funny smart and really really kind. Just so very naive and overhasty. And she could've been mine.



  20. So we talked all of it over and we won't be dating anymore and stuff. I saw it coming.

    I'm not even angry or anything.

    Just a bit disappointed, really.

    oh well.


    Girls, how the fuck do they work.

  21. Is that so? Bitches love the Kiwi accent.


    I guess I'll just talk to her next Wednesday.

  22. I will, man. (:


    Both of these things.

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