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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. It is.

    My favourite is probably the title track or Last Chance or Russia On Ice.

  2. To be honest, I play almost exclusively with fingers. I only use picks for heavier riffing or more of a 'cold' tone. Covering Tool, for example.


    You're a fellow bassist too, eh? Mind you, though. I'm atrocious. :LOL:

  3. whatwhatwhatwhat.


    what. ;_;


    Lightbulb sun is amazingly pretty and melancholic.

  4. I just noticed your new profile picture. And avatar.



  5. No! It's either Lightbulb sun or Fear Of A Blank Planet.

  6. It is. Makes me feel guilty, though.

    Got a new cable and some picks for my bass today. Feels good, man.

  7. Decent. Four-day weekend starting today. Can't complain and being a lazy arse.

  8. You watch the IT crowd? Can I just high five the living fuck out of you?

  9. You like Porcupine Tree! :awesome:

  10. I actually did listen to Oos quite a lot as of a late, dunno why.

  11. Worthy number one.

  12. Well I saw them last June.


    Okay. Yesterday's gig.


    - Support band Combineharvester were quite neat. They played 4 chords over the course of 20 minutes, but it was mesmerising. Reminded me of Sunn O))) in a way.

    - I was in the front row and saw Sel and Neil before the gig. I asked Sel if he was able to do me a favour and he replied "most certainly not". :LOL: I asked him to play Airborne and hey, they actually played it. :awesome:

    I think I pissed him off though. :LOL:

    - Met some really nice people.

    - Got a high/low-five from Neil before Trading Dark Matter.

    - Was headbanging like a lunatic. (My neck hurts now)

    - Got an Amp poster and shirt.

    - The person behind me caught a setlist and gave it to me =D





    can't be arsed to write it all down again

  13. Massive! Good to hear. Apparently, Amplifier are coming back to Switzerland, thing is, the gig's in Pratteln, which is a two hour drive. :LOL::facepalm:


    Currently spaffing all over pabh's new record and hoping for Swiss dates by them.

  14. So, how was Tool? Feel free to spaff.

  15. these strange explosions hit meeeeee

  16. Not too bed, albeit slightly depressed. Like always, if you will.

    Any big news from real life? Started a band? Met Thom Yorke? Bombed the Russians and flown into the sun?

  17. Dear lord. how are you?

  18. Man I would have loved to see Biffy live during their Infinity Land era.

  19. What happened specifically?

    Oh, and what do you work as again?


    I enjoyed break as long as it lasted and was a useless piece of shit for two weeks. Currently revising for a German Literature exam.

  20. Oi Sam, we should talk again. Have you got skype or msn or anything?

  21. Hey Jon, d'you know the band Tera Melos? You might want to look into their stuff, they're quite awesome. Weird but still kinda awesome. Take a lot of time to get used to, though. :LOL:


  22. I have little to no contact to most ymters nowadays. I talk to Taylor on a regular basis, but that's about it. :LOL: It's a shame, really.

    How's your life besides? (How is your life today? ;) )

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