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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. you must be thick...:p

  2. okok, do you know what HMV is???

  3. gone sorry!!! ive been busy... soooo, do you like baclava???? if thats how you spell it???

  4. does that help???

  5. ok i flatered this guy who works for a company thats a lot like your HMV and now hes going to try to get the company to get muse merch!!!!!!!

  6. do yo think im not ok???

  7. SETTY!!!!!!!!! youre on!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt notice until i looked to see whose online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. sorry im hyper...

  9. im fine thanks!!! ill join your grup if you want but ill do that tommarrow my computer is SOOOO slow today!!! btw, do you like baclava??? sorry if thats a personal question... i don't think it is... is that how you spell it??? oh well!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! i haven't had for years though... i like alligator!!! but poor alligators, i love them! but ill eat anyother meat besides alligator!

  10. ok i flatered this guy on the phone day, he works at this place called hastings its a lot like your HMV, anyway he is putting a request in the warehouse of the company to order muse merchandise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesh!!!

  11. :stunned: don't call me lil'

    im good! im going to az tommarrow so yeah! its SOOOOOOOOOO hot there!


  12. good im gald i didnt hurt your feelings!!!! im good im going to az tommarrow so ill be on a lot there!!!

  13. LOL i HATE rap and pop!!! ive been good im going back to az tommarrow to see my other grandfather!!! ill be on the computer there a lot so you wont miss me!!!:)

  14. sure sure!!! i have to get off soon sooo, yeah

  15. hey setty!!! how r u??? im ok just REALLLLLLLLLLY tired and ive been going to sleep early...:mad:

  16. thanks dudy!!! im SOOOOOOOOO excited for the resistence now!!!! their doing synphony's!!!! i have friends who say that violins and violas don't belong in rock bands and that made me MAD!!! ORCHESTRA ROX!!!!!

  17. oh yeah i just got it yesterday!!! i ate about half of it already!!! :p

  18. i don't like his blue shirt!!! i like his red shirt in the bliss video!!!! i have a shirt just like it!! sorry!:(

  19. im back for a bit ello!!!

  20. now its the 4th of july still here (i HATE THE US!!!) but i like the fireworks and colors and every time a big firework goes off i scream MUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! so got to get to my job see ya thursday!!!!

  21. wait until thursday!!!! k im really busy!!! sorry!

  22. yeah twilight fans need to go to hell!!!

  23. sorry i haven't been able to get on the computer much these days, thanks for keeping in touch too!

  24. i haven't been on for a while sorry im just doing a quick check now ill do it next time i promise!!!

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