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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. ehh i dont want t...ZZZZZZZZ!:LOL:

    night night setty!

  2. i, going to bed sooo nught nice talking to you and remember ill be home so i wont be able to stay up this late anymore until the 9th of july!!!

    ill miss you bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. good, just dont want you going anywhere!

    *hits back HARD yet effectionately*

    i might go soon i got a flight to catch but not yet k.

  4. im sorry setty that you got killed be headaches.

    *worried that setty might die*

    dont die setty k stay in there...

  5. so what have you been doing lately?

  6. kinda....

    graffiti wise???

  7. LOL ill try... yeah i know what you mean!!!

  8. AWSOME!!! i loved it you should see it!!! the muse game IS fun!

  9. thanks and abq is where i live btw night!!!

  10. crabby and old people just dont mix

  11. i do but she HATES the fact that im atheist and wont drop the subject of me going to hell

  12. i feel better now my hands arent so tingley but now that you bring it up...

    JESUS my hands!!!!

  13. oh... yeah im going back tommarrow so i wont be on as much as i am here!!! but ill be back 24/7 on the 9th....

  14. thanks for your effort ill just continue with my hints!

  15. thanks, why was i sad again??? oh wait.... the religion thing???

  16. he said that mine was 4 satrs and his was 2 to 3 stars

  17. yeah this guy posted a thread and asked peole for help so i did it verse by verse giving him good ideas

  18. why was i sad??? i forgot.....

  19. i edited it from another user do you like???

  20. the dripping ink

    drip by drip

    darkeneds the soul

    writing random words

    making lonliness leave

    and make the pages darker



    until the words are right

    lending you the chapter

    of the life

    of the darkness

    of the black ink


    a useless god

    writing a story

    of how one is erased

    destroying the world

    yet not finding the words

    to write his own mind



    until the words are right

    lending you the chapter

    of the life

    of the darkness

    of the black ink


    finish with a prologue

    and start with the epilogue

    not needing to wait

    no longer

    so don't go away

    ill be afraid


    'Caus I am an useless god

    And you're just a fictional character

    Who spilled ink on my heart

  21. LOL did you find anything?

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