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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. hold on ill get you the link

  2. that REALLY gets on my nerves!!! i mean good for muse because theyre making a butt load of monet but they dont have TRUE fans like us!!!

  3. ive been waiting for 2 days!!!

  4. Settttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

  5. me its the 1st two verses in easily and do we really need this? and maybe declare myself as mattehs twin!

  6. you get to keep muse things

  7. from the official keeper thread...

  8. sure!!! soooo, i get to be keeper of stuff now!!!!

  9. yeah? ill make sure they dont use another muse song!!!

  10. idk ive never seen it in my life...

  11. well i like the word stick, i think its funny!!!! and i was thinking of saturn stuck on a stick as the artwork!!! idk random stuff

  12. but over all COOL!

  13. i like the one of dom and hendrix

  14. ok i like this one too you know

  15. forgotteninjune that is...

  16. ive been thinking if my band name was this...

  17. naw i like empire on a stick

  18. LOL nice sweat spot matteh

  19. yeah plus it would be nice to record my shit and give it to a recording company!!!

  20. moving pics dont work on here

  21. i thought you liked dom???

  22. thanks well kinda... i HATE!!! twilight, but if i get the part then i can get my camera then i can share my music with the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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