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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I do hold that to some wider significance though because it was kinda the point where PiB stopped being a complete staple. It never really came back for every show in the same way.
  2. It was also not played at any of the US shows between Oakland and the SBE show despite it being a staple until then. The last performance before SBE was in Canada. And then it was brought back again in Canada and not played in the US until a few shows later.
  3. Still never forgetting the weird part in The 2nd Law tour where they dropped Plug In Baby exclusively for the US. I still don't know what was up with that.
  4. The last time I saw Map was on The Resistance Tour where it was more common. If I had started during The 2nd Law I would have never seen it either.
  5. I think it's a mix that AP was brought back as the song for the US basing off the Webster Hall show and all, and that the song died out early in the tour. So it only had a few European festivals but then the whole US leg where it was rather common. I also still have my old IRC bot that does statistics so I can run those in a bit. Although it stopped logging mid way through the Drones tour.
  6. I mean there's a level. Apocalypse Please was semi-common in the early US Drones leg. Sunburn also showed up here and there for T2L. But something like RBS only showed up once for each leg of The Resistance, and Fury only once like ever in the last 3 tours. They're rarities for a reason (I never caught AP or Bliss) but for some it's less distance but more like saying you'd have a chance to see Glorious in the UK cause it showed up last tour.
  7. This acts as a kinda nice wrap up to my distaste of the small for-fans shows vs arena shows I had, which I still haven't changed my mind on. It feels like a compromise in place of Muse just saying "fuck it" in the general tour. But that's what I wanna see them do. Frequency matters more.
  8. We know why they do it, and it is understandable to see the dead crowds from your perspective on the stage (has no one ever been in this position even in a classroom?), but it's a validation that's almost impossible to achieve at this point and it just hurts as a bigger fan. The crowds in Europe are generally good. While Dead Star might be too rare nowadays there's still good excitement for the general sets. This is in stark contrast to the really large percentage of US crowds that will be immobile and unresponsive until Madness or Resistance or Uprising comes on (but it's mostly Madness honestly). It sucks for the band and it sucks for me as an audience member too because not only do the sets get cut down the atmosphere is magnitudes more dull.
  9. It's really sad honestly the fan favorites never get the same reaction.
  10. Stop using slashes you cowards. Make the hard choices.
  11. It was just in passing. We all said hello to him as the band walked in the door. I think he hanged around after but I had to go home.
  12. Basically the 2nd. It would totally not surprise me if they decided the US doesn't know Dead Star or Assassin so might as well drop those like Plug In Baby in 2013. Or replace it but I don't know what it would be replaced with that's on levels less interesting.
  13. Reflections even though I should wait until next year when it's a decade of Muse shows. - Seeing them at all is big. It was still such a big moment when I first saw them get on stage, even though I was far away. - Seeing my favorite song (B&H) live. - Traveled across the state to see them. The travel ended up being more fun than the show itself (Drones arena tour). It was a nice journey there and back. - Seeing them across the world. I can say with experience now the crowds here are incomparable. - I've seen a few rarer songs even if it's a joke of a list compared to the other regulars here. A few cool riffs and jams too. - Met Dom in person and saw him play with Vicky Cryer, as well as meeting a .mu member for the first time (I wish I could meet more).
  14. You need it for the "riff". But it doesn't really use it much.
  15. Oh yeah and I really really really hope they keep the same general quality of song selection in it but the past two tours of special slots don't give me hope.
  16. Honestly just extend Assassin some and I'll be okay with the medley. Feels like every song got the core presented except Assassin and Micro Cuts. But Micro Cuts I forgive since they were doing the Dead Cuts thing again.
  17. Looking back I've only seen 3/7 of the songs kinda played in the medley in my almost decade of Muse concerts so you know there's some value there. More stable though. I'll get thrown around a lot otherwise.
  18. Ok that Assassin tease awful. I thought it would all get the time Stockholm did (still watching now).
  19. You have arm space though. In a rough crowd barrier is better than being like 2 rows behind it.
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