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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Planisphère by Justice. EDIT: lol filtered
  2. It sure sounds better than the guitar tones he's attempted since the Abso tour. Except maybe 2011. They can do decent feedback emulation, I think he just prefers the sustainer.
  3. The Kemper/Fractal combo he's got is probably simpler and easier to work with than what he's had in the past few years.
  4. Well the fact Sunburn and Unintended are the only Showbiz songs they've brought back in the last 4 years without some big change show that he really think that. I do hope they remember the title track. Surely he wouldn't be ashamed of that one!
  5. I doubt it. They've shown signs of not really liking Showbiz much anymore for a while now, like a lot of bands with their debut.
  6. It's only for new users. It'll go away eventually. I thought it was just a captcha system though. Is approval a new thing?
  7. I adore Exogenesis. It's probably the only set of tracks that have actually grown on me since The Resistance's release, instead of the opposite. But hearing a bit more of IS recently the arrangements and pacing of the piece just works perfectly and the blending of the orchestral and electronic was very well done.
  8. As I mentioned before, it's the unexpected shock value that makes it work. Muse managed to make themselves unpredictable by closing with a song that no one would expect them to. The fact everyone feels underwhelmed is all marketing. The first and last things you get from a show are usually the most memorable. By ending the show with a song that leaves the audience wanting more the audience leaves with a subconscous desire to want more of Muse live. If Muse decide to return to European dates those who enjoyed the concert will retain that subconscious desire and will be more inclined to buy tickets again even having seen a rather long set this summer. This will most surely lighten the issue of the lower ticket sales of the stadium tour, which was mostly blamed on the band announcing shows every year and people not feeling the need to. They are fighting the effects of the economic downtime on peoples' financial descisions with subliminal psychological messaging. 420 blaze it
  9. Maybe they'll start closing with Starlight and use less guitar.
  10. I guess it's a bit different hearing Exo without all the buildup and hype over the "15 symphonic monster" that went on before the release of the album.
  11. At least for me the drums on Painc Station are some of the best on the album, and I'd say they have a bit of an 80s sound too
  12. Explorers offers a cool down period in the gig. The descending chord structure offers this nice soothing music for people to relax for a few minutes of the concert while at the same time getting the lecture about private land ownership and alternative energy. If there's a sing-a-long, which is more the case in the stadiums, it only strengthens the unity between performer and audience almost like a more subtle politically charged song due to the lyrical content. Starlight is a well known track. It has sing-a-long moments and clapping and can ends the gig on a happy note instead of on a loud and heavy note as was usually the case for every closer except most of Take A Bow. It's a daring change of pace and the inital negative reactions have been shock value alone of this change. Had they continued to do this most likely the fans would have warmed up to it. Had Matt decided to use a guitar during the song it would have been even better.
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