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Status Updates posted by notyounaanbread

  1. Ahh pretty good thanks, picked my gcse, it all happening to fast I'm not old enought to do them! And it's my birthday soon so it seems as if I have somthing to look forward to, my wait for the muse gig is still a big one. So you manage to get your hands on any tickets yet? xxx

  2. Hey i havent talked to you in an age! What happening with you? xxx

  3. Ahh thanks for adding me :D so... how are you? xxx

  4. ah but still that pretty impressive hes gotta be proper flexable to do that. Me and my friend just keep smiling incredibly creepily and lookinbg at them really wide eyed, we also preformed a little Ronan Keating. :D


    p.s pirates nice

  5. haha hey! nice talking to you. And id adivse not using cam on the site... :S. You will never be able to unsee.

  6. :) thanks for the add.
  7. Ahh you do not lie... very very nice pic.

  8. Oww sorry Im sure there be tickets left. And yeah saddly school next week, and i havent got much to look forward to either, my friends are mostly on holiday and all im doings is going to my grans where all you can do is paint mugs... so that'll be a riot :LOL:. xx

  9. Ahh thats the spirit! :LOL: So how are you? On your holidays? xx

  10. Ahh thanks! :D I'm pretty good getting tucked up into my bed. But its true they are great. It's just makes me laught everytime that they have an album for Disturbed.

  11. Hey! Wow that poster you made is AMAZING. 'claps wildly'. Anyway just though I'd say hey.

  12. Hey! You clearly have good taste having vitmamin strings on your iPod! :LOL: nice. Anyway i though I'd just say hey. How are you?

  13. hey. i read your forum. oww man i feel bad. But i kinnda know how you feel. xxx

  14. Haha well you carnt anymore becuase its shower time for me. Talk soon. And have fun at school in year9 :D

  15. Yep Deffinatly English and proud

  16. I will take thats question as a non creepy one... im 13? and in year 9. How about you?

  17. Pretty Good but actully have nothing to do... I have resulted in playing on paint... can i go much lower?

  18. Hey! Just saw you on the this or that thread. I just thought Id say hello.

    p.s no you may not say neither... :p

  19. Ok sorry read that message though, and Id be extermly proud is you manage to under stand it. So I think it's best to forget it haha!

  20. I'm pretty good thanks bought myself some lovely shampoo do I'm pretty happy right now... :D ahh simple pleaures.

  21. Haha I did do I like to talk so I'll reply again... Em well I had a little bit of a geeky guitar hero party (barley a party just me and three friends). But anyway talk so other time... xxx

  22. Ahhh wow your a boosh fan, a muse fan and your from newcastle! Does it get better that that? 'high five'. Yeah I'm fine thanks, somehow utterly exausted and its only half ten but other than that I'm great! What you up to? xxx

  23. Hey I thought I might add you as we are alway commenting on some of the same threads! So how are you? xxx

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