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Status Updates posted by notyounaanbread

  1. Yeah I used to for a bit though. Some can be strange though... To much incest:( and I'm too young to be exposed to that! which series dis you read? x

  2. Aww that rubbish! What are you writing it

    on? I haven't done much really yet, I desperatly need to by presents for the fam but I did watch this anime film called Paprika! It was mint, I love anime.

  3. Yeah I'm sure no decision could be harder! You been up to anything good lately? x

  4. A mini fridge wow! I want either headphones like big good quality ones or a docking station but I can't decied which! Tis to hard :(

  5. Yeah I'm pretty good decorating the tree, getting in the crimbo mood! What are you wanting this year? :)

  6. Hey thanks for the add. How are you? x

  7. Woah how come you only do 3? Im slightly jel, I would drop French instantly if I could! x

  8. Yeah we have done one just some Shakespeare, you also have to chuck a cheeky bit of him in. I didnt do to badly. Im taking Art, RE, History and French what are you planning on doing? x

  9. What are you doing at school? you sorted your gcses out and stuff?

  10. Yeah im pretty good just trying to deal with alot of homework! You? Yay just noticed your age, you are a fellow young muser! xxx

  11. Hahaha nice! Lucky you finding your selves some I haven't had any luck like that yet...

  12. Yah My name is Alison but i wont send you a request It would just seem to creepy sorry and i know that my sister wouldnt be happy to see that ive added a stranger. Anyway i have posted underneath you on pwoper fishes wall...!

  13. Hey! I found you on facebook, nit that I'm a stalker but because you posted on the 'pwoper fish wall.

  14. Yeah I'm online! But apperingboffline i just carnt be botherd to talk to too many people.

  15. and I just read the Florence and the machine and bat for lashes are on it to! WHAT THE HELL! I love them and twilight has just taken them away.

  16. I know... What have muse become (mabey a little exageration)! It's like muse are the inspiration for the books so why do muse have to change to fit in with the films? The music ok mabey a little generic but the lyrics they just embarrse me. Hopefully we will feel better when the whole songs out.

  17. haha thanks and its is great they made picture of me matt and our kids.... Matt, Hugh, Belle and Amy. :D

  18. Yeah! check out some of the pics ive posted them on that thread. though i dont know if that last one makes sense..

  19. hey! I recieved some good presents today... saddly not the nme copy though i did get a pretty nice booklet thingy from two of my friends i might upload it to YKYATMW.

  20. Yeah we are now msn buddies! Do you think we will ever be on at the same time?

  21. I saw your forum about north east musers! Ahh im glad to hear there someone near by like me!

  22. Yeah my firend said it the last issue 'comming next issues road kill... fresh from the streets of newcastle' so im a bit worried.

  23. Sorry i havent replied in so long, its just ive been a bit busy with school work. We have been doing an Anotholgy in english this year and welll... i have only just started. Opps. Anyway lucky you! Whats the guy like... and the important question dose he like muse? And yeah dont worry I dont go on weeworld either ad i havent been on for welll quite a long time, My group of friends (slightly) matured and drifted slowly off to facebook, never to return :O. Have a good holiday at London, it is really a great place not that ive been there much being so far away from the capital.


    P.S if you want my msn ill sent it in a message just i dont really want to share it with everyone.

  24. N'aww thank you! I'm hoping to get myself a copy of the absolution tour, so it looks to be a gooden! Yeah they are completely different to uk system, I have no idea what the equivilent to gcse are in the USA. I'll have to google it. And you mentioned bad things what's up? Unless you don't like to discuss it with (almost) randoms on the Internet. Hope your good xxx


    P.s have fun at your gig if you are like me which I deffinatly bet, your couting down the days! :D

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