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Status Updates posted by notyounaanbread

  1. What haopens in a review? I better gett learning as i do art for GCSE. Anyway hope it goes well x

  2. Im alright slightly annoyed that its school tommorow, I had two weeks off and I really feel as though Ive acomplished nothing! :( Also slight worried about my french GCSE thats coming up. Oh dear :LOL: Im so very upbeat and opermistic!

    How are you? xxx

  3. I've seen that film! The One with the magicians? It's so good, I love films with a twist! :D


    Ahh its been ages since I've done anything like that! When I was younger I used to be proper into arts and crafts! I made my own 'Mighty Boosh' t-shirt (it's a show, my username is a quote from it) and wore it to school! Looking back on it, the t-shirt truly is awful!:$ A t-shirt from you would be pretty cool though! x

  4. Happy 2011 to you to :D! Hope it's a good one! I just went to a friends house, who, in the new year spirit ended up leggin' it up and down their street in the undies! :LOL: best way to celebrate the new year! Probs not best the way u did it but I probbaly shouldn't share that :$


    How was yours?

    I'm going to treat myself to a Muse shirt I haven got one! Have you? Oh it's so hard to pick, I'm way too indecisive argh! x

  5. Oh Im so pleased someone finally understands my user name for so long my name has been questioned sometimes ridiculed, now Iam accepted!

    Did you catch them on either of their tours? x

  6. Aha thankyou! I trust you are a fan of The Boosh? x :D

  7. Ahh thank you! Good to hear you are enjoying your camera! I got well a big pair of headphones bit they didn't arrive before Christmas, which was sad but I think they are conning tomorrow! I'm pretty excited, I have decided the first song I'm going to listen to is space dementia! :D


    I also got a complete Gavin and Stacey boxset. I don't know if you have seen it, it's a comedy, it's really good. I watched every ep is two days which us quite shocking really! Have you got any plans for new year. x

  8. Merry Christmas! Hope you had a great day!

  9. Have a great Christmas! x

  10. Thank you. I hope you have a great day to! x

  11. Aww thankyou. I hope you have a really good day! x

  12. Aww thank you! :) Have a great Christmas and new year. 2011!

  13. Ahh nice I'd love a good camera the one my fam share isn't that good but it always has good sound quality when you take vids. Great for gigs!

    What Muse stuff do you think you will get? I'm hoping for a Tee I haven't got one yet! For Christmas I want to get myself a really good pair of big headphones. I've order a pair now so I hope they are good!

    I'm not really excited about christmas though which really up sets me! :( x

  14. Fruits basket is a bit ridiculous but it's just so cute! Mew Mew Power was also how I got into manga I loved it and I can still sing along to the theme!

    Can't beat a hayao miyazaki film though, have you ever seen one? x

  15. Ooh who's a rebel, that late on a school night (I'm guessing your at school because you have that carnival). I'm not even being sarcastic, I can never get up if I go to bed round then! :LOL:. Having a carnival sounds amazing, school is over for us now and all we did was a Carol session in our hall and one of my techers seriously embarrassing themselves by dressing up as Santa. All around the teachers were just cringing! What are you wanting for Christmas? x

  16. Ahh I've seen Mew Mew Power (that's the English version of Tokoyo Mew) it was on Popgirl, a kids channel for a bit, but they only did like 20 eps. I loved it though the story lines were so stupid. I watched a few in japnese and I cried when Dren died :LOL:. I've read Death Note is probaly the best i have read. But also Vampire knight, read that rmostly because of the art I love it. Fruits basket and a few others.

  17. Hey thanks for the add. How are you? :)

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