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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Yay! :chuckle:


    I know! Cars, people, equipment, doors, random objects, glass, bottles, etc. I've been in soo many collisions!

  2. I've been in a few. :LOL:

  3. Nope.


    I wouldn't know! :phu::p

  4. I like your sappy-ness. :happy:


    Ultimate ... frisbee? :erm: When you said manly, I was thinking rugby or something. :p

  5. Oooooooo, sounds like what I do .... And every other woman on this planet. :chuckle:

  6. :eek: Wait. You watched the Notebook??!!!! :awesome:

    I love that movie. :happy:

  7. Awww. You shouldn't. :(

  8. I bet you ate chocolate ice cream and cried whilst watching a sappy love movie after I left. :yesey:



  9. Thank you for understanding. :happy:

  10. I have to go ... again. I'm sorry. :(

    I love you. :D:kiss:

  11. I may have to check your channel out. :eyebrows:


    I know.

  12. :awesome:! I do too, but I honestly cannot remember the name or anything. I only had a couple of Muse videos up. :LOL:


    :LOL: YES. He used to have a Doctor Who spoof up. And oddly enough, I suggested that one and the HSM one to him when we used to be friends :LOL:. But alas. Warner took them done. :fear:

  13. :LOL: I <3 youtube.


    My favourite yt channel is Takeabow19. I love Liam (mapoftheglorious on .mu)'s videos. I love Liam. He's extremely talented not only in editing and cinematography, but musically as well. :happy:

  14. That sounds so exhilarating. :(


    No I have not. :supersad: But I keep hearing about it. :'( I'm depressed and too hesitant to watch it. I wanna punch Smith in the abdomen for taking Ten-Inch's spot. :mad:

  15. :LOL: I was about to edit my last VM and say:


    "Wait. You're the Doctor..."


    But I didn't. :D

  16. Teleportation. I think I should call up the Doctor.

  17. Ohh don't get upset. :supersad: I am only being facetious.

  18. I don't even know his name either. I just know he works at a Starbucks and likes Muse. :awesome:


    I think so. :D I mean, right.

  19. :LOL: I won't. It's not like he and I are close friends or anything. I just ask him to make me my passion tea for me. :D


    Ohh it's okay. :happy:

  20. Uh-oh. :$ I shouldn't have told you that part, I guess. :chuckle:

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