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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. :supersad: Why do you think that is?
  2. Well, my family likes to spend weekends together. And when I am on the computer, they get all pissy and such and force me off. :LOL: So I was playing the Wii and PS2 with them.


    Why did I do better?

  3. To be with my family.

  4. Sorry. I wanted to take a long, luxurious bath. :happy:

  5. :happy: I laugh everytime I see a sign that says 'church.' :LOL:
  6. :phu: I don't see what's so amusing. :phu:
  7. Seth with an :$ smiley?! What a rare treat!

  8. You are, I assure you. :kiss:

  9. That's what they all say. :phu: Good thing you're not just any guy though.

  10. For the sex, maybe. :rolleyes:

  11. :LOL: And double the annoying singing? You must really love me. :p
  12. No, not really. :happy: It's just what every girl knows a guy dreams about. Twins.

  13. That's what I was thinking! :p

  14. It's because my hair always makes this giant swoop with my bangs, VL style. :happy:

    I do too. :LOL: I wouldn't want two of me. How annoying would that be!! :awesome:

  15. I find it hilarious. :yesey:

    I want to do the that doppelgänger week thingy, but I don't think I look like anyway famous.

    Tia says I look like Veronica Lake sometimes, but I don't see it. :noey:

  16. I see you're also attending, 'Punch a Twilight Fan in the Face Day.' :awesome:

  17. Yes. So I keep pressing Maryville anyway. :happy:

    Aww. And I will have to drive a lot too. :yesey:




    I do feel the same. :happy:

  18. I know! I'd looooooove to. But my parents don't like that it's a liberal arts school, apparently.

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