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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. You've got time. :happy:


    Ehhh. I know I'd never have the skill(z) to make it in there. Nor the money. But one can aspire, I guess. :happy:

  2. Don't say that! What did Walt Disney always promise us as wee little children????:supersad:


    Think of WALT!!!!


    All today, my friends and I were talking about college and travelling the world. And Kathryn and I were talking about travelling to NY and Julliard and England and Ireland and such. All because I got a Julliard letter and brochure in the mail. :LOL:

  3. It makes you think I'm not addressing what you were talking about though. :$


    I jumped from you professing your dream, to me bitching about travelling. :LOL:

  4. Jeez. I should probably lay off the peanut butter cups and tea. My favourite things are making me think rapidly. So I am going from topic to topic. Sorry! :LOL:

  5. Let's go to New York! Like, NOW! :awesome:?

  6. Austin is pretty whacked, honestly. But it's fun.

  7. Delicious. Delightful, even!

    I have it when I visit San Antonio or Austin, as it is very southwest-ish.

  8. Man. Now I want some tortilla soup. :(

  9. :D I saw that bowl and thought ":ninja:"



  10. Sorry I don't frequent your facebook! :p

  11. :LOL: My parents don't understand why have 420+ friends. I just explain that being in choir, playing on select sports teams, traveling around the country, Muse, visiting a plethora of churches, moving all the time, and other awesome stuff is the reason. They're always like, "Oooooo. Who's Andrew?" ... Or something like that. :D All thanks to that stupid live feed.



    /end ramble.

  12. Yes. But then there is that annoying live feed thing. Where you see everything everyone is doing/joining/saying. :p

  13. I would, but .... My parents are my facebook friends. And 1/3 of my family is on there. They'd all reprimand me!

  14. I had two tabs of .mu up (for some reason). :awesome: So I was still writing my PM whilst browsing the boards. Multi-tasking, really.

  15. What do you mean?

  16. Mhmm. :D


    Thank you.

  17. Ahh. :awesome:


    Sorry I randomly dashed off.

    I was running a bit late and I didn't want to be locked out of the viewing! :LOL:

  18. Hmmm. A new avatar.

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