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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. Momma's boy? :p

    I like that you have a good relationship with her. :happy: Lately, it seems that my parents (mainly mummy) and I have been clashing constantly. :( It's sad.

  2. Really? :LOL: I cannot wait to meet her. :awesome:

  3. Seth's Mum: "Why is soup amusing?"

    Seth: "Because I am thinking of eating this strange girl that lives in Texas's soup."

  4. :LOL: I shall never view soup the same without blushing. :chuckle:
  5. (I burst out laughing whilst reading that. :LOL:)

    That's impossible to do at the moment. :p But, maybe in the future you can taste my ... soup. :D

  6. Ohhh really? Who said you were invited into my soup? :phu::p


    That's incredibly true. :LOL: Soup, lol.

  7. Mmmmm, mmm good. :happy:



    Campbell's soup commercial. :eyebrows:

  8. Me too. :happy: It's ingenious, really. :D

  9. :happy: Ooo, that trade system again.



  10. Hmmm. Perhaps.










    I'm glad you're doing progressively better. :happy: Any confirmation on ...?

  11. How was yours though? I keep meaning to ask you how you're doing. :(

  12. It wasn't too bad.

  13. :LOL:

    Aww. You made my day brighter. :happy:

  14. I know it does. :p


    ... I suppose so. :yesey:

  15. You suppose? :rolleyes:


    Well, I know it to be true for a fact. :phu:

  16. You're lovely, you know that? :happy:



  17. Awww. I love you. :chuckle::D

  18. I see you were talking about me in Banter and T&A again. :p



  19. You are very welcome. :chuckle:

  20. I see you differently than most. And, possibly differently than you even see yourself.

  21. Well ...

    I just admire you and your characteristics.

    I am sorry, I don't know why I am even speaking. It all comes out the wrong way. :$

  22. I really admire that about you though.

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