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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. You can only change them on the first of every month! :p


    I will though :awesome:

  2. My internet got the hiccups sry

  3. :LOL:


    Okay, but not til next month

  4. I'm good my darling aubly :kiss: my internet is being a bitch atm though haha.

  5. OMG OMG!

    Totally random but YAY ELIOT SIG!!!! :D


    Yeah... that's all :happy:


    Have a good day.

  6. Aunty Mena's Vegetarian Restaurant :awesome:

  7. :eek: keep it down with that kind of talk!




    How're youuuu?

  8. omg wow! That's a hella lot to have going on lol.


    And I'm not haha. But this place has awesome awesome food lol.

  9. It's my friend's 18th tonight! :D :D :D

    And I went out to dinner at this amazing vegetarian restaurant last night :awesome:

    Thanks for asking lol.


  10. Lol thank youuu :kiss:


    How's your week been?

  11. Sleeping heaps? That's what I'd try do if I was on holiday :happy:

  12. I did :awesome:


    It's really craptacular work but that's beside the point :facepalm:


    And :LOL: I've slept 15 minutes the past 40 hours.


    & thaaaaanks :kiss:


    How're the holidays treating you?

  13. EZ!!!


    http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn188/gare_de_lyon/hippy.jpg <--- :chuckle:


    Have a splendiferous weeeeeek... I've stayed the last 2 nights at uuuuuni cos I can't work at home :(




  14. He asked popey to ban him, didn't he?
  15. I'm sorrrrry lol. Bit of a busy week ;)


    Allora lane huh? Nice :happy:


  16. lol. Where'd everybody go?

  17. It was suprisingly goooood :D


    How was teletubbies? :LOL:

  18. Not mine :LOL:


    They want to be rasta dreads but I won't let them :happy:

  19. No, u :LOL::kiss:


    I am straightening my hair. GTFO curls :fear:

  20. :eek:






    *proceeds to chat (without passing GO - OR collecting $200) and saves Marcella from dying*

  21. Hey lovely :kiss:


    You are srsly lovely lol

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