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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. I'm inclined to agree, though I do love Diamond Dogs as well. We did watch bits of Troy as well haha. And we didn't watch that bit of 300 anyway! We watched it predominantly for battle formations etc. With Alexander it was specific battles/impt moments (and those really were epically mushed up on-screen), and with Troy, bits and pieces about the Temple of Apollo, Achilles and again, style of warfare. Guh. Sunday night and I have sooo much work still to do... yet here I am, procrastinating
  2. I haven't written a word of my essay yet. But I've figured out what I'm gonna say/how I'm arguing it. And I can pull it off in 1200 words For all that, it's 7pm on a Sunday night and I'm at uni which kinda fails It's been such a beautiful day here though that it kinda makes up for it. Crisp, but warm, a little breeze, and just... kind of epic win. The way spring is supposed to be but never is.
  3. Labrynth used to scare me so much when I was little! Then when I was about 13 I thought it was awesome (I mean, it is, but I could quote it word for word when I was 13 And Nightmare Before Xmas ) We used to watch parts of it in Classics last year so that we could point out everything that was wrong with it, historically speaking. And 300 And Gladiator
  4. I'd go for Bowie over Muse. Both would be best though. Came back from the middle of nowhere and am now up at uni. Y'know, essay writing. The library doesn't open for another half hour though...
  5. I miss you toooooooooo :kiss: but no one is ever in chat when I ammm.

    Plus I have 6 weeks of uni left before the BIG SCARY FAIL EXAMZ so chat is kind of off limits.

    But how have you been?

  6. Nutella is best either neat, or in grilled pita breads with bananas
  7. Ez,


    I have decided to send you a something at some point sometime when I have some time to send you something, okay?


    Okay :D

  8. Yeah I remember when you had it haha. I got masks as well but apparently they didn't actually do anything lol.


    Happiness is soooooo good. People at uni have said I seem a whole lot brighter this tri than the last, which is lovely to hear.


    I'm being kicked off the computer naowww. Lovely to have talked to you tonight though :kiss:

  9. Uni got back the day of my bday, which has been cool, because my schedule is fantastic (I only have lectures and stuff on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 4 day weekend ftfw :awesome:) and my classes rule,


    And I got swine flu haha. At the same time, I lost 10kg so I'm on this kind of funny diet thing to get healthy.


    That's pretty much it, minus a few weird encounters here and there :)

  10. AJDA?


    Because I was tapping into somebody else's wireless - under various semi-viral sounding profile names like H1N1, which, looking back on the whole thing wasn't a very good idea but amused me at the time - and they finally secured their connection lol.


    I'm at my mum's atm but it won't let me into chat.


    How've you been?

  11. OMG DUGES :kiss:


    Glad you're back lol. Pity I have no internet atm :'(

  12. Oh I'm so sorry ):

    Thinking of you honey <3

  13. Lol. Siiiiick, but I'm getting better :)



  14. Yeah I've been like this for 10 days haha

  15. I might have swine flu. Nobody knows for sure though, because it might just be a normal flu. But as everyone is all "ARGH STAY AWAY FROM THE DOCTORS IF YOU HAVE 'FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS' :fear:" idk for sure lol.


    Basically they were all "wear a mask if you're around other people including those you live with, don't go into the kitchen, sterilise everything you touch etc etc"


    I'm trying to somehow get an aegrotat and then I'll go stay with my mum for a while.

  16. I was woken up this morning (about an hour ago, in fact) by health inspectors, if that answers your question :facepalm:

  17. Aww I'm sorryyy...

    Could be worse though - you could be in quarrantine :p

  18. Ah okay... why don't you ask for moar?

  19. That sounds crappy :(


    Um. Hm... I would say... get a job waiting or whatever in the meantime (because everyone needs waiters/waitresses :yesey:), and... continue to search?


    But just as something to tide you over.

  20. Grad schemes ayeeee?


    I have no idea what those are, but something to do with uni?

  21. Awww it's only been like... 3 days? Give it time. Recession, innit. Took me 2 weeks to get my job haha.


    And then I quit it anyway -_-

  22. That you haven't :p

    I'm good lol. Sick and exhausted, but, y'know, good :happy:

    and yourself?

  23. :LOL: No worries. You were funny haha.


    I'm lovely, thx :happy:

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